
Help, i need a short summary of Sarah Palin's speech?

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what were some issues she covered, did she make any promises..etc.




  1. google it. she was awful and trust me ur lucky u didnt have to listen to her voice its like nails on a chalkboard. She is pretty and all but a total dumb*ss. She knows how to read other peoples work and that is about it...

  2. Summary:" Hi my name is Caribou Barbie! I am the hottest candidate from the coldest state! Obama is a bad man!!!  His set was made of styrofoam! What is the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? Lipstick! Hee hee heeeeee...Vote for me, K!!"

    (thumbs up the hockey mom row)

    (her kid licks her hand in the background and rubs the baby's hair)

    (retarded baby displayed in arms to showcase her awsome mothering skills and manipulate the masses for sympathy votes)

  3. She doesn't make empty promises.  why do people think that politicians are going to come through with all their promises.  

    How do you plan on Obama coming through with all his promises?  Well, I guess you and I will be paying for that since that is what the liberals want -- more programs for yet another failed system.

  4. No issues. Obama sucks. McCain is great. Obama sucks. Lowering taxes. Blah blah blah, my family, my children. Aren't my children adorable? Obama sucks. Thank you mommy, daddy. Obama sucks. The media is sexist. Obama sucks.  

  5. The very little she said about McCain was overshadowed by her criticism of Obama. Not only did she go back to the classic republican playbook and criticize liberal values in general, not obama, but she also said things that by every single independent source have been said to be false (a.k.a obama will raise taxes).

    She also said that obama's service as a community organizer was meaningless, and that being a mayor was harder, but she went on to promise things the very same things that obama did as a community organizer, such as help people who get laid off from a plant.

    She blasted obama's experience as a community organizer and said that because that meant nothing, he is not qualified. Yet she failed to point out the fact that he has also been in the Illinois and US senate for over a decade. She tried to play up her experience as mayor, but it is just that: she was just a mayor, and even as governor she has not faced any national issues.

    Basically, her speech is exactly what you would expect from the RNC: full of the same old lies, and she still wasn't a very good speaker.

  6. "Hi, I am Sarah Palin.  Here is my family.  Obama sucks.  I am a maverick.  God bless."

  7. A Noun, a verb and POW! Later followed by I'm not worthy; Senator Obama is your next President. So sorry I let you all down.

  8. "a short summary of Sarah Palin's speech"


  9. blah. blah. blah.   for like 40 minutes.

  10. Well, she said a lot of nothing IMO... she talked about the "Maverick's" service and POW experience while blasting Obama. Thats about it... very much an "us vs them" thing; Republicans vs Dems, Americans vs Others... She said they would cut taxes, explore alternative energy, and of course "victory" in Iraq. What you would expect...

  11. Just vote for the qualified man.

  12. "I'm Feisty. My kids have weird names. I sold a jet on ebay. I don't like that Barack fella. I promise Tina Fey a good parody target."

  13. "obama sucks"

  14. Synopsis:

    She kicked Obamas A$$!

    All you need to know!

  15. I'm a hocky mom: McCain was a POW, hoorah: Obamma's (from her), Democrats, taxes: nasty nasty nasty: g'd bless america.

    She did promise to be someone in the WH to fight for our families. Specifics, plans, there were none.

  16. Here it is:

    John McCain is great.

    Democrats suck.

    God bless America.

    You're welcome.

  17. It was full of S*%T and lies.

    She didn't even write her own speech. Her voice grates on your nerves like nails to a chalk board. You missed nothing. Ask the Vet's who were asleep during the whole convention. She slammed Omaha and touched on issues that were only lies!  I am stunned at the personality slanders and no mention of the issues.

    No I shouldn't be stunned..these are Republicans.

  18. Alaska has all the oil for the country.

    She puts family first as long as it doesn't get in the way of her career.

    She only gets cheers for attacking Obama cause she doesn't know the issues and can't speak on them.

    Her speech wasted my time I should have watched Bones.

  19. McCain was a POW, she's a mom, media is a bunch of liberals, she taxes record oil company profits but in a way Republicans like, Obama's a bad bad scary man, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    By the way, you know she didn't write the speech, right? It was originally a more "masculine" speech written a while back in anticipation of a male VP pick but had to be reworked on short notice.

  20. She's not running for President.  The Vice President doesn't make promises like those running for the TOP seat.  

    She will support McCain and the two of them will change Washington and give back to the people of this nation.

    Unlike Obama; he is trying to find himself.

  21. No.  In summary:

    My family is amazing, just look at them here!  I have a Down Syndrome child if you didn't know it already.

    Obama sucks, Obama sucks, Obama sucks, and I said it without saying his name.

    I sold my Governor's jet on EBay.

    I'm a huge *****.

    I have no plan so I will bash others.

    EDIT:  The stars are supposed to say biyatch


    Do your homework.

  23. "Im going to get McSame elected and when he is president he won't show me any respect because he will be to busy running George Bush third term"

    ...and also ,"I sound like a middle schooler who just graduated to high school"

  24. "I'm a woman from Alaska, I have a whole mess of kids, I sold a plane on eBay, Obama sux, we should drill, McCain is awesome, and did I mention I'm a woman?"

  25. Energy and Iraq.

    She failed to tell us that she was in bed with BP Oil and Failed to say that Iraq is setting a time line to bring home the troops.

  26. Watch Fox News they have the best analysis.

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