
Help, i need reassurance, am i pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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So, i skipped a period and it's six weeks since my last one. I took a at home pregnancy test and it was negative, but just to be sure i went to a clinic and did a urine test and a blood test and both are negative. My doctor is making me wait a week and a half to retake the blood test to make sure i'm not pregnant. What are the chances i am? If i am my husband and I will deal with it, we are being safe and going by the notion that whatever happens is meant to happen.




  1. Well, it doesn't sound like you're pregnant. But the period thing sounds kind of weird, birth control can do that if you're on it though.

    Good luck :)

  2. Looks like it's a wait a see what happens kinda thing!

  3. you might be if you did not use any protection. there is a good chance

  4. It doesn't sound like you are, but worrying about it or just thinking about it much can make you skip a period (bodies are amazing, aren't they?).  Just relax until the next blood test.  You're most likely not pregnant, but one more test will set your mind at ease.

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