
Help, i told my guyfriend i was pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i was just kidding cuz he always plays jokes on me so i wanted him to know how it felt but i let it go way to far, and i feal so horrible. i love him so much, by the way hes 15. wat should i say hes mad now and i said im sorry and everything! i dont know what to say.........




  1. Hi, You may want to try writing him a note and explaining why you did what you did.  Apologize, let him know you learned your lesson, after all that is part of growing up.  Then end the letter inviting him back into your life.  He may be able to  understand why you did what you did, see how his behavior contributed to you making a poor decision to begin such a game in the first place, and remember that love flourishes around forgiveness. Good Luck!


    P.S. If not absentee, then protection, protection, protection!

  2. haha that is quite cruel.

    Tell him to lighten up it was a joke.

  3. Well, lets start to say that at 15, the last thing any guy or girl wants to think about is having a baby!  That's some serious stuff to have on your mind.  s*x and babies are no joking matter.  You have toyed with his emotions and he has every right to be angry with you.  But, in another point of view, He should be mad at himself also and you should be mad at yourself because at 15, you guys shouldnt be having s*x in the first place and seeing that you are, it is obvious that you are not using protection.  The joke would not have this effect if you were using protection.  You said you were sorry and if he is still mad then you will just have to wait it out! Sorry is all you can say at this point.   Start using protection!  If you dont, the joke may be on you the next time!

  4. tell him he's acting like a little boy and he should grow up.that should scare him into place.

    ur probably 15 or younger than that,u should both be ashamed of ur selfs for having s*x at that age.ur gona be really sorry when u grow up.

  5. that's a horrible thing to do.  Just apologize and wait.

  6. im sorry, this is probably the last thing you want to heat but you were very wrong to tell him you were pregnant.  if he is always playing joke on you then tell him that youre sick of it but dont try to get him back by telling him your pregnant!

    tell him hpw you feel about the jokes he plays on you and explain to him that you were mad at the time. hopefully he will understand and eventually forgive you.

  7. give him time to cool off make sure that he knows you are very sorry for doing that and you wouldnt do it again. trust me that isnt a good thing to tell a guy that youe not dating or married, if its a joke, especially when he's 15

  8. Oh just tell him you are sorry. It was a practical joke that got way out of hand and you feel very guilty for allowing him to get so upset. He'll get over it, he is probably just happy you arent while being mad that you tricked him. Hes your freind he wont be mad at you forever.

  9. Tell him you are sorry and  realize that you took it too far but since he is always such a good joke-ster you just wanted to try and "get" him back. also try saying that you wont joke about such serious matters in the future....some things just aren't funny.  Sounds like he does care for you and was truly worried and stressed for you and what he thought your situation was.

    if you are truly good friends then he will get over it eventually...and it will be something to laugh about in the future.

  10. Tell him that it was all his fault for playing all of those tricks on you in the first place and you just played 1 to get him back

  11. LMAO! That's classic! If he's a good friend he'll get over it and forgive you. One day you'll look back on this and laugh. ;)

    Mine next? Please?;...

  12. Not much you can say. Being a guy, if i heard that, i would hate my life.

    You need to do ALOT to get his friendship back. SInce you put yourself in this situation, you can find a way out.

  13. that is not a good joke to throw at a 15 year old guy,try to email him or write him a letter or some peace offering and show him that you're really sincere and felt sorry for what you've done.

  14. um........ the only thing i know to do is to break up w him && nevr see him again. or tell him u got an abortion. bc if u EVR want it 2 b romantic b tween u 2 again then u cant tell the truth. im sorry 2 say u let it go 2 far.

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