
Help, little kids like me? im a freshman girl?

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ok so i go camping a lot per year with me family and friends, and theres this spot where we go and stay for about 2 weeks. its kinda a community site, and a lot of people go there. this one family we go camping with their fifth grader makes friends with alotta other boys her age(shes a tomboy) , and for the last couple of times we've been there theres som boys who have been in our camp playing with our campsites kids.

k now to the point: one night me and my bff were walking by a creek, and the three fith grade boys(another one was added) were stalking us. and this one came up to me and said "micheal(one of the little boys) thinks ur hot and likes you". they told me that like 5 times. and them and my bff always stay a couple days after we leave, and my friend just texted me saying micheal thinks ur hot and calls u his girl. what do i do? im going to be a freshman this year and im going to be seeing this little boy and two other of his friends who "like" me for a long time?




  1. slap the mess out of them. lil kids these days....

  2. I wouldn't worry to much about it.. its not a big deal, who cares what a 11 year old thinks? You know it'll never happen, so don't give it another thought.

  3. You just tell them straight up:

    "You're too young for me, I'm sorry. This won't work."


    The Classic: "I already have a boyfriend."

  4. uhhh they are just little kids.  it doesnt matter. lol  everyone needs to grow up

  5. who cares? you're in high school

  6. wait how can u see them if ur gonna be in highschool nd deyr still in elementary/going 2 be in middle school..?!

  7. don't pay any attention. they're just little kids with a crush  on you. that's really cute but don't take it too seriously.

  8. ignor the little kid or set him straight

    thats the best advice i can give

    i had a similar situation

    but i just stayed away from them

  9. haha thts funny yeah dnt wry its liike u likin orlando bloom itl nvr happn so yeah jst ingnore them no one cares it wnt hurt ur rep and jst b nice 2 thm and find sm ho junior stay away frm seniors thi they nrmly wnt one thing  

  10. they're in 5th grade don't worry about it.

  11. just tell him i see us being more like friends, and find him a cute little girl.  

  12. Dont worry about it. They are just kids...

  13. Okay, I TOTALLY know how you feel! The same thing happened to me in grade 4.

    This is what you do, first off, report these boys, for sexual harassment, THEY ARE NOT ALOUD TO DO THIS! Then go and tell a trusted adult, YOU CAN DO THIS! THESE BOYS ARE JERKS, AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE THIS!


    If micheal calls you his "girl" again, say "I'm not your girl, okay? I never was, never will be, and absolutely never WANT to be, you heard me? Cuz if you didn't, then I'm gonna MAKE you hear"

    Then just walk off, also, tell him that you dont like him, and you think that hes ugly. Boys take rejection seriously, so most likely, he'll back off.

    Good luck!!

  14. Blow it off.  You know they are just kids with a crush.  Don't worry about what people say, you know your not dating them.

    I would take it as a compliment that they think you are hot.  Remember they are just boys.  Were you ever little and had a crush on an older kid?  They will probably be embarrassed if they see you in a year or two because they acted so silly.

  15. Ignore the lil kids, tell them you're not interested.

  16. kick him in the nuts, with his techniques for approaching women, he will get served eventually anyway

  17. They're just kids, don't pay any attention to it.  

  18. they are just little kids and they are probobly just messing with you. This one guy might like you but it isnt like he is really in love with you. Even if they say he is it doesnt mean anything. it is just little kid love. so keep that in mind when you go next time and either just ignor him or tell him that you are way to old for him. :D

    hope this helps

    ~ k-nicole

  19. youve got bigger and better men in highschool. thoose boys probabally havent even hit puberty! XD (by the way thats a smiley fase on left...)

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