
Help, major itunes trouble!!!?

by  |  earlier

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well, i had an ipod(and still have it) for a couple months now. i haven't had any trouble with downloading music/updating my ipod, until today. i went to go on itunes, and it came up, however, the songs i had in it before aren't in it! i don't know why they aren't, and i don't really know what do do. i still have the songs, from limewire, but i don't have them on itunes. my ipod still has the music on there. do i reload the songs on itunes? if i do that, will i have double of every song on my ipod? i'm afraid to even plug it into the computer, because i don't want all of my music to disappear completely. what should i do? anyone that is familiar with itunes, please answer!




  1. when in the itunes store, click Store, on the top menu, and click check for purposes. idk if this will help, but it's worth a try.

  2. this also happened 2 me. do not be afraid to plug in ur ipod, it will automatically put the songs into iTunes. Other than that if u imported the songs onto itunes there will be a folder in My Music that will have ur iTunes library in folders.

  3. you can try a system restore to the day that it actually started acting up. Otherwise, you can try just leaving iTunes the way it is (without any songs in your library) and download a program called music rescue. It can rip all or any of the songs from your ipod onto your computer (helpful!) If you do that, just put your songs into a folder and then from there, to iTunes. hope that helps! :P

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