
Help, missing american citizen in paris!?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend who is an american citizen, speaks french fluently and has recently run away and is suicidal. she ran away yesterday morning, and i havnt heard from her since. she has no family or friends to turn to, im the only one who is left who can possibly help her...please..i have no idea where to start! can someone help me in what i have to do to find my girlfriend!




  1. First thing's first. Go to the consulate and report the situation. They will help you coordinate with the local authorities to look for her. Next, Start pounding the pavement. Look in the metro stations, clubs, and hospitals. Hospitals first.

  2. call the Paris airport that she flew into.(if you dont know, call all of them)

    They may know where she is staying, so ask

    fly to Paris, and look for her ( it is a big city, but you could always contact the Paris police, and tell her your case ( they speak english)

    did she take a phone? which arline did she go on?

    good luck finding her.

  3. in france police looks  for people 24 hours after that somebody says something like this, it's  just the time to see if the girl will show that she is alive, after these 24 hours the police acts quickly. But u have to prouve that what u say is not a joke because u can have big problems if u lie about such a thing in france.

  4. Contact the American Embassy and alert them. Then, contact the police.

    Does she have a cell phone they can trace?

    She has to present ID before checking into a hotel or taking any long distance transport.

    Good luck. Hope she's found soon, in good health.

  5. they do have police in france
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