
Help, my bloodshot eyes are getting worse!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i woke up one day from a night of drinking and had bloodshot eyes. they felt really heavy. 3 Days later i still have them. And are getting worse. The blood seemed to rise higher and im scared to go blind or something. How do i get rid of it?????




  1. you need to go an see an optician!!

    Bloodshot eyes are just bruises, its just they look alot worse than a bruise on your arm!  After about 3 days they should be getting better.  You need your eye doctor to check that there is nothing wrong inside your eye.  Don't panic but you really need to get it seen to, or you might have irreversible damage.

    It might be nothing, after all alcohol thins the blood so would spread through your sclera (the whites) more.  Please, get it checked out.

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