
Help, my cat is acting suicidal?

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My cat has been going inside bags (like gym bags, duffel bags and plastic bags) lately. I'm not sure if she is acting suicidal or not (maybe she is just playing). please help! serious answers, only please.




  1. Normal, cats like to get into things like that :).

    Umm...although I don't think cats think about committing suicide much....

  2. she is just playing

    keep the bags away from her

  3. Cats do this all the time, don't leave any bags on the ground especcially plastic bags as they can sufficate. Ever heard of curiosity killed the cat? That's where the saying comes from.

    If you want you could provide her with a paper bag or box to snoop around in but knowing cats she probably won't if you actually GIVE it to her!

  4. Try spending more time with her and dont leave bags on the ground or where she could get in them

  5. thats just how cats are. she will be fine. my cat does that all the time and its completely normal

  6. well cats do tend to like concealed spots for sleeping and other spots, i'm not sure you could classify this as suicidal... Cats like spots like bags, my cats always go into or on plastic bags, paper bags, suitcases, etc. It won't hurt them so there's truly nothing to worry about. If it really bothers you try to make the bags inaccessible to her/him. He/she might grow out of it if you keep him/her away from the bags.

  7. Cats like to hide in small place. This can be dangerous so try to cat proof your home by not leaving things that can smother them on the floor and blocking off any holes in to your walls. It happens more often then you think! I recall two stories this year on the news, one a cat climbed in to a luggage and got sent to Texas in a suitcase, then the bag was accidentally taken by someone else and out popped the cat! The other one was a cat climbed inside the walls of someones house and they had to rip down a whole bunch of dry wall to get them out!

  8. They just like hiding. My one cat peeks out from behind corners and thinks you can't see him. My other cat opens cabinets and sleeps in them, and always looks surprised when we find him lol.

  9. DONT WORRY my cat used to do the same,up untill he was about one years old maybe even 2 and used to go into PLASTIC,PAPER AND ANY BAG HE COULD FIND ON THE FLOOR TABLE OR EVEN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and best of all is that he was COMPLETELY normal!!!!!!!! dont worry cause my cat done it for years,its a comfort thing,nearly like inside the mammys belly (womb) again,its warm cosy and the noise inside the bag is like a voice or blurry voice in the distance,as if she was back in mammy cats belly!! just enjoy it and laugh at it,OH and get pictures of it cause it is so funny and cute!!!! and one thing is DONT HIDE BAGS...........(yes if you feel uncomfortable with your kitty going into plastic bags hide them) but paper bags i suggest you leave at least one out where she sleeps.

  10. it's not acting suicidal, it's just probably curiosity did kill the cat!

  11. Cats like to feel like they are hidden. She's playing. Also I have a cat that eats plastic bags so we have to make sure they are not in reach  

  12. Humans are the only animal to commit suicide - instinct for animals is no, your cat is not little human and acting suicidal.  They are natural "hiders" and like to find places to catch a few zzzz's where they will not be disturbed.  Start to put your bags in the closet, and away from your cat.  Give her a hidey-place, a box, a cat-house, something dark and cozy.

  13. Nothing is wrong with your cat.

    If you're really concerned about it though, just make sure she can't get to any plastic bags.

    She won't really be able to suffocate in a duffel bag.

  14. How Old Is He/She?

    My cat likes to sleep in gym bags and paper boxes : /

    Done it since he was a kitten so maybe he's just trying to get comfortable :D

  15. Your cat is acting perfectly normal -- not suicidal.  All cats love bags and boxes.  My kitty goes crazy when I come home with groceries -- SO many bags means SO much fun!  I always throw a paper bag on the floor for her to play with and she loves it!  She likes to go inside the bag and peek out at me.  She likes the idea of watching me, while she believes that I can't see her.  It's so cute!  Anyway, you just have to be careful about plastic bags, since you wouldn't want your cat to suffocate.  

  16. One of our males does this - he is especially fond of garbage bags - we call it being a fetal cat.  While he loves the plastic bags, he is only allowed to play with them when a human is around, and all bags have the handles slit, so his neck doesn't get caught.  There are "crinkle bags" available for sale - fabric is sewn all around the crinkly plastic - the cat gets the effect without the hazards, and it is machine washable.  Enjoy the play!

  17. Cats don't commit sucide. Is your cat spayed? If not she could be pregnant. Most likely, she is playing.

  18. Don't worry my cats do it too. They think any place where they are "hidden" is fun. You will just have to keep the plastic bags where they can't get them.

  19. I agree with some of the others.

    Keep the plastic bags away.

    As long as she doesn't pee in gym bags, I'm sure they are fine.

    Why not put some empty boxes down and see what happens.

  20. Don't worry, your cat is not acting "suicidal." She is just playing and it is completely normal for cats. However, it is very important that you not allow her to play in plastic bags because of the risk of suffocation. Gym bags and duffel bags are fine, though. I had cats who used to love sleeping in my open suitcases whenever I had them out to pack for a trip.

  21. That is a natural thing for a cat to do. Cats crave small, "safe" areas where they can play. Just make sure your cat does not smother him/her self with a plastic bag.

  22. I hide all the plastic bags from my cats since I also joke they are "suicidal" when they climb in, but they love playing with the big grocery paper bags or in cardboard boxes.  Sometimes when I get a package with a big sheet of brown paper, I make a tunnel for a day and they love hiding and jumping through it.  Just make sure anything they play with is not plastic, and you can get groceries in a paper bag next time and provide your cat a couple of hours of play before it is all damaged.  

  23. well if its a kitten its playing or its ucrriouse

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