My cat mugsy is almost 17 years old. lately, he has been acting strangely, began peeing (well i think spraying, even though he was fixed) in places other than his litter box, just starring out the window, an trying to run outside everytime i open the door. Now up until a few months (maybe two) ago, he was scarred to death of the outside. He heard a noise and hid, he even hid from people. I would open the door, he would hide behind the couch. All he wants to do is eat, and i have been feeding the same way for years, but now he just wines at his bowl waiting for more food. I think he is even losing his vision, because sometimes there is food still in his dish, and then i will move it around and he will eat. I think he is depressed, and no matter how much i play with him or pet him, he still acts the same way. He started even getting clumps of hair on his back, like he has stopped grooming himself.
Any advice??