
Help, my daughter just got stung by two wasps?

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We habitually check and spray for wasps, but we missed one on our gate that we never use and my almost two year old closed it and got two wasp stings on her hand. Her hand is swollen and one eye is also swollen (both are her left side). She has been stung once before by a bee. I know they don't have a reaction the first time they are stung, you have to watch the second and third time to see if they are going to have an allergic reaction. I am worried about the swollen eye. She said she didn't get stung there and I can't see a hole like I can on her hands. I don't know how worried I should be. We have benedryl, but our pediatrician said not to use it unless it was really really necessary (whatever that means). She is a little fussy, but it is about to be bed time and I'm not sure I want to put her to sleep for a little while. Any advice please?




  1. Use ice packs.  Try to keep her calm.  Keep the hand below the level of her heart.  If she isn't having breathing problems, she should be ok.

  2. i would go to the e.r.

  3. ice the sites, contniue to give her benedryl, and follow up with the pediatrician.  be sure you understand what the doctor tells you.  give her advil is she's in pain.

  4. i'd use the benedryl, if swelling doesn't go down by morning call the doctor....u can use a cornstarch paste (mix it w/ water for paste) on the bite to draw out the infection..hope this helps

  5. My 10 year old was stung near her eye last weekend. Try rubbing an antiperspirant (like dove) on the sting...this will stop the pain. I then gave her a benadryl and an advil for pain. The next day her eye was swollen and looked like she'd been punched in the eye. After a few days it went away...the 2nd day was the just kept itching. I would give her couldn't hurt her and I really think it keeps the reaction to the sting down.

  6. For now use ice and benedryl and then call the peditritican.

    My 14 year old son just got stung by a wasp this summer.

  7. Now is the time to use the benadryl. I'd start with a small dosage first and it will make her sleepy or even hyper. Clean the areas very gently with antibacterial soap. If you have benadryl cream or antihistamine cream use that where the skin is swollen. But also be careful not to get it in her eyes. I'd apply ice as well. Keep a close eye on her. It could take a few hours for the stings to take full effect and her air ways can swell shut as well.

    If it gets worst don't hesitate to rush her into emergency. There they can administer an epi shot and monitor her breathing.

    I know it can be scary, best wishes.

  8. Benedryl immediately , it will not hurt her and will counteract the stings...Not sure of the swelling on the eye, but allergic reactions can come from the first bites also, trust me....Watch her airway and keep a good vigil just in case

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