
Help, my friends keep being mean and i don't know wat to tell them?

by  |  earlier

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My friends keep telling me i need to "get b***s" and saying mean things about me because I haven't started developing yet. How do I tell them to stop? Plus, I'm confused because in the first place they were telling me over and over again I HAD to get a bra and now they won't stop telling me I'm flat. I just turned thirteen. One time we were trying on dresses for fun at one of my friends houses, dresses meant for adults with b***s, and so the front stuck out and she was like, "hey, its not my fault you dont have b***s, u need to get some b***s"




  1. ah haha, i know how it feels, trust me. my friends did the same thing.

    honestly if it doesnt matter to you, it shouldnt matter to them

    tell them that.

    and if it does matter to you, then it will show to other people

    if it bothers you, you will seem less confident

    and people can see that.

    you are you, see what they say to that:)

  2. Just act like it doesn't bother you and they'll probably stop.

    Act like you didn't hear them or just ignore it.

    If it doesn't bother you, then they won't think its fun to make fun of you like that anymore. So they'll probably stop.

  3. they arent real friends.

    get new ones

  4. they don't sound much like friends, certainly not very good ones.

    tell them that you are only young and that everyone develops  at different times in their life and that their constant ridicule is offending you and hurting your feelings.

    if they are true friends they'll understand and stop, if not they are best left alone, as they are clearly not worth it

    hope you sort it out.

  5. You are right,they are mean.

    There is a good way to tell if a person is a good friend.

    When you walk away from them,do you feel good about yourself,and the time you just spent with them?

    Or do you walk away feeling bad about yourself,and the time you just spent with them.

    Was it a positive encounter,or a negative encounter?

    If negative,then they are not good candidates for your friendship.

    Consider yourself as the special person.They should be grateful to have YOU as a friend.

    What to say?  I would say to them: You know,if you guys were truely my friends,then you wouldn't say mean things like that.

    I don't appreciate the condesending way you treat me,and I want you to stop!

    Another way is to bring them to this site(or even just one,as she will tell the others),and show them your question here,and the responses given.

    If you are reading nice to your friend!

  6. well it sound like your friends are trying to tell you something and its not that you need to get bigger boons its more like you dont fit in with us, you dont need to have friends who put you down if anything they should bring you up and make you feel good about yourself, if you'd ask me you should confront them and let them know how you feel and tell them very firmly that if this doesn't stop then your friendship will be over.  stand up for yourself dont let people make fun of you i hope you can work things out with you girls but if they dont consider that they are hurting they're friend then you need to give them the boot!

    good luck!!!

  7. those arent friends. friends dont make fun of you if youre flat. you cant help it anyway so try to make new friends that dont judge you.

  8. Oh yeah, run down to the local store and get some b***s. ??? Idiots! Why do they care? Well, they are only making themselves feel better about themselves by talking down to you. Do they know they are being mean? Or do they claim they are only joking? Probably not, it just comes natural to girls that have self esteem issues. They think they will shift the focus onto someone else's flaws or shortcomings to draw attention away from their own. I hope that makes sense. It's not you, it's them. Have you tried ignoring them? Usually, when people like that don't get any kind of reaction, they will eventually stop. Or you could be straight forward about it and tell them how it is rude and makes you feel bad. Then you could always explain to them you may not be getting b***s anytime soon but you might try on some new friends that know how to be supportive.  

  9. get new friends

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