
Help, need help on my paper?

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I'm doing a paper on abortion, (this is like the 3rd question I post about it,) and I need examples of 2 liberals, 2 conservatives, and 2 radicals. Ten points to the person that helps the most. :] Please and thank you so much.




  1. Ok - you need 2 liberal people, etc? Like examples of specific people who are for abortion and examples of specific people against it?

    What kind of school paper is this?! And what grade are you in?

    Ok, have you ever heard of Roe vs. Wade? It's the 1978 abortion trial that was sent to the Supreme Court.

    "In 1970 at the Pennsylvania State House, attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington filed suit in a U.S. District Court in Texas on behalf of Norma L. McCorvey ("Jane Roe"). McCorvey claimed her pregnancy was the result of rape.[4][5] The defendant in the case was Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade, representing the State of Texas."

    This article should give you more than enough information.

  2. I have found the following site helpful in the past

  3. I don't think we should be doing your homework.  However, you seem to be floundering here, so let me give you the basics & you can take it from there.  This is the blueprint > feel free to alter whatever you like:

    Liberals > the right of choice within limits is assured by the US Supreme Court ruling known as Roe v. Wade, 1973.  

    Liberals > Outlawing or overturning the women's right to choose will not stop anyone from having an abortion.  All those who have the means to obtain one, is to travel to Canada, Mexico, or any other foreign country where the practice is still allowed.  And for those who lack the means, they will be victimized by those operating in clandestine, back alley abortion clinics, operated by those who may not be qualified to perform the procedure.

    Conservatives> We are talking about the sanctity of human life here.  What right does anyone have to terminate that life?    So really, what we are talking about here is murder.  

    Conservatives> While some may wish to deny that all life has value & is sacred, we believe life does begin at the moment of conception.  


    Radical> the planet is being over populated & ruined by the excesses of humankind.  Our resources to sustain all life must be considered carefully.  

    Radical >    We need to weed out those who are inferior to our standards of purity.  Certain segments of this society are growing faster than those who have pure blood.  

    Now, just expand with your own reasonings, & go from there.

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