
Help, parents dont want me to become vegetarian?

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Well, I'm a 14 year old boy. I want to go vegetarian, as I think its the right thing to do! Well, my parents are saying no. I follow the hindu faith, but am not FULL vegetarian. We eat meat only on certain days, NO BEEF/PORK!!!! Well, they(parents) say that God made it so that one day, people would eat animals, so its not really a sin! I think I'm doing something bad. Help please, who do you think is right, me not going vegetarian(my parents) or me going vege(me)? Support your answer.

I am not trying to put down ANYONE!!!




  1. my sister is also vegetarian and my dad supports it but my mom thinks its kinda stupid.   my mom says the exact same thing    that god made it for us to eat it. i personally think that its not stupid but it is a choice of yourself and i choose to eat meat     but it is perfectlly fine both ways!!!! so i say that if you want to go vege that is FINE!!!  your parents cant like shove meat down your thoat! just tell them that i am choosing to not eat meat and its my choice.

               my sister eats all kinds of cool things

                    *vegatarian chicken nuggets(they taste real    ive tried them!!!)  

                  *boga burgers(vegatarian burgers)

                   *vegatarian bacon

                   * and lots more(just look in the frozen section at the grocery store    they have LOTS!!!

  2. your parents cannot control you. just dont eat the meat they serve you. i am vegetarian and my family is not, so they always make part of the meal vegetarian so that i can eat it.

  3. Hey man I’m 15 and a vegan (I don’t eat meats or products made from meats) which is kinda like what you’re doing, my parents don’t like it but, you can tell your parents that theirs a lot of good meat substitutes. Like boka or tofu. Go on this web site    and look at the recipes. If you have any questions E-Mail Me  

    P.S. i think what your doing is really cool. Peace.

  4. try to explain to them that you think this no matter what religion you are. Ask your parents if you can try being vegetarian for a week. After the week you'll be decide if you REALLY want to do that.

  5. i am having the same problem. I am 15 and i want to become a vegetarian SO badly. i mean it's WAY healthier for you and it saves many animals and the environment. but my mom says that my body isn't fully developed and that becoming a vegetarian will effect my health. i don't know what to do. i feel as her daughter i should do as she says, but seriously whenever i am forced to eat meat i almost cry. i feel as though she is not respecting my beliefs. i totally support you and you should talk to your parents about it.

  6. my parents didn't want be to be a vegetarian, but i told them it wouldn't cost them any extra money and i would keep myself healthy.back up your reason with strategies to keep your healthy and strong. it's really easy to convince them. they are just worried about your health. i'm fine and you will be too.

  7. DEFINITLY do what you want. i have 3 kids and i have raised them from birth to be vegetarians, but when they get a bit older they can make their own choices.

  8. You have to do what you believe is right.   Let your parents know that you want them to respect your beliefs just like they want people to respect theirs.

  9. Congratulations to your decision, you are on the right track.

    There are many reasons why it is recommendable these days to go veg: Production of veg food wastes less energy and water. A plant based diet is better for the planet. The lack of animal fat is healthier for humans. (In statistics veg people are proven to be healthier with less cancer, heart disease and the like).

    Veg diet is more humane as animals are not killed or suffer for the production of our food. And it is more just, as crops are not wasted on cattle feed to produce meat for some people on the planet and let too many hungry; instead fields can be planted with grains for human consumption.

    There are a lot of arguments for a veg diet and in my opinion with more people populating the planet, it is the diet of the future. You can find a lot of ideas in the archive of Earthsave magazine (link below). (Also younger people supporting veg statements in

    While your decision is probably fueled by one of the above arguments, your parents seem to support a semi veg lifestyle with some religious or traditional backing.

    Some people don't eat red meat, some just poultry, some no meat, but fish. If you don't want to harm animals, then to me it does not really make sense when you include certain species, but exclude other ones for consumption.

    Even if you tell your parents about the advantages of veg food, you may not be able change them. They may not want to change the way they eat, because of a certain tradition or habit. Even if you don't think they have real reasons to support it. They may just like the way they eat and don't want to change their cooking or are concerned that they don't eat a balanced diet.

    It is important that you accept that, as much as you expect them to accept, that you decided to eat in a different way.

    You are in an age where you learn all the facts and know that you can take responsibility. Growing up includes taking a close look at certain family habits and make decisions if you want to adapt to it in your adult life.

    As your parent's food is already almost veg, it should be easy for you to enjoy food at home most of the time. It would not be nice to expect your family to prepare an extra meal for you every time they want to eat meat. You may just prepare something for yourself or offer to help cooking a new veg dish for them to try. I would recommend to get some literature how to prepare balanced veg food. This will show them that you are serious and take responsibility and also give them the opportunity to try something new with you, if they wish.

    Age wise, I could probably be your parent, but believe me, my parents still lecture me with recommendations how different I should eat, despite all the serious lifestyle illnesses they already have.

    I wish you luck.

  10. well do whatever you feel is right, and your parents should support you in whatever choice you make

    i will support you!

    and it wont s***w up your body if you become a vegetarian now, alot of my friends are vegetarians or vegans and they are perfectly healthy; you just need to make sure you get all of your nutrients

  11. Hi I'm a Chiropractor who specialises in Nutrition.  As a growing young man you need protein, about 60 grams a day.  Being a TRUE vegetarian is a very complicated diet.  (And until you do your own grocery shopping you should eat what your parents get you.)  You need protein, everyone does. You have to be very careful to eat enough nuts (raw nuts, peanut butter, etc) and beans. Most vegetarians eat too many carbohydrates and get fat.   Do not replace your protein with soy products.  Soy products will effect your growth, remember that soy acts like estrogen.  Young men or women don't need any help with confusing their hormones.  If you must eat protein, eat organic and hormone-free animal products.  Such as; organic cheese, unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese, hormone free eggs, poultry, beef and fish.

  12. Vegetarian diets are healthy for all ages. The American Dietetic Association says, "Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence."

    Being vegetarian is a powerful way to reduce animal cruelty and protect your health. I would talk to your parents when they're not too busy or distracted... explain that you've done a lot of research and decided that you want to become vegetarian. Offer to see a nutritionist and help with meal planning / cooking. Remember that they can't physically force you to eat meat. I went vegetarian when I was 14 and my parents didn't like it, but after awhile they got used to it.

    Veg sources of protein and iron:

    Good luck.

  13. Not when you are so young, at least wait till you are a little bit older.  I know that is not what you want to hear, but if you want to s***w up your body and brain go for it.

    Being a vegitarian will absolutley stunt your growth, not only your body but your mind.  Do not listen to the bull **** other people tell you.  Do your own research and ask some doctors.

  14. do what you think is right, your parents will still love you they might not like thats your a vegetarian but they will not abandon you for it, but you might be punished who know it all depends on your parents

  15. trust me if your parents arent vegetarians

    its nearly impossible to become one;

    all thought meat is murder;

    itz also survival of the fittess

    you need meat. ur body needs it;

  16. Ok, I'm in the same boat dude. I did want I wanted to do though. It's probably easier for me to say considering I dont give a c**p what people (even my parents) think of me. And it's not a sin to eat meat. But it's not a sin to NOT eat meat. And these people saying you'll go brain dead or whatever are crazy. I think I'm pretty d**n smart if I do say so myself. I cant really make your answer for you. And I know my answer is very confussing but I think you should do what YOU want to do. I honestly hope I helped.

  17. For being only 14, you seem to feel very strongly about this. Make sure you have all of your facts in order. Most parents are mostly concerned with their child getting the nutrition they need, not how they get it. Make a list of the foods you will be able to eat to replace the protein you will lose if you cut all meat out of your diet. Tell them that if it's a matter of you eating something other than the rest of the family, that you are prepared to prepare your own meals. I admire your decision, and I'm sure your parents will as well; if they see that you've really thought it through, and still want to make the commitment. Good luck!

  18. well...u can go vege if u really want...but if u do..the nstick to it...but if u jus wanna go vege to try it..the ndon't...its not worth it then...but if u really want to go vege and wanna stick to to ur parents abt it seriously..and show them how much it means to u bytsticking to it for a loong time...they'll undrstnd in time...tey prolly jus don think tht u'll b able to hold on to it since ur only 14...but if u really cna hold on to it...then go for it and in time..ur parents will see how mature u've become and support ur choice...also try to eat veges if u want...but don b disrespectful to ur parents if they made meat only...jus let 'em kno tht u won't eat meat but dont be disrespectful.!!

  19. if god made animals out of meat so they were to eatten,  and since people are also made of meat,  does that mean we should be eatting humans to?   frankly,  stick to your guns and not eat it.   it might take a few days of a hunger strike to get the point across.   you will be mush happier without the carnage at the dinner table.  And whatever you do, DONT BACK DOWN!!!

  20. i think you should do what you want.

    they shouldn't be able to control your eating habits.

  21. its your decision and if you stick by it, hopefully they'll eventually support you. give them facts to help convince them (find stuff online) like how many animals are mistreated, how meat can be unhealthy, and being vegetarian helps cut global warming. think about the decision a lot before you decide to do it though. [=

  22. Eating meat is NOT a sin, God made animals for us to survive...

  23. You should do what you think is right for you.  I think your parents are probably concerned that you won't be able to get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins you need, especially in this stage of your life when your body needs as much as it can to grow normally.  Being strictly vegetarian can be difficicult/inconvenient, and you should definitely ask your doctor and do some research to find non-animal food alternatives that will provide balanced nutrition (vegetarians especially need to pay attention to getting enough vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and protein... nuts are a good source).  

    Hope this helps and good luck!  :)

  24. I became a vegetarian when I was 14. It's kind of nice seeing young people make a decision like that on their own. My parents (mainly mom) didn't support me  but it didn't really matter because I cooked my own meals even before I became vegetarian. Alot of Eastern families are like that (my mom is Korean). I say go for it. Are you Indian (since you said Hindu.. just asking to be sure)... if so there are a lot of vegetarian dishes in Indian food so you should be good to go. Good luck... Your family will probably come around.. they're probably just worried about your health. Many parents are because they don't know much about it and you have to be sure you're eating well and taking care of your nutritional needs.

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