
Help, please. I need information on my adoption?

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My adoptive parents wont help me a bit, so i was wondering if anyone knew an answer: I was born in Ohio, 1985 and Adopted in Massachusetts in-between 1985 and 1986. I was wondering where my adoption records would be held. if Massachusetts, then they are open for me to access but if in Ohio, they are closed and I would need to petition the court to open them.




  1. if you were adopted in Massachusetts then thats where the papers would be you need to go to the DA or magistrate... its a pain in the butt trust me i know i was adopted as well it sucks tryin to get info and a pain in the butt like i said but yea that sucks that your adoptive parents are being like that about it

  2. Your adoption records will be in the state that you were adopted in.  If you know the agency that handled your adoption, contact them and request 'non-identifying' information.  That's usually all the agency will give you.  

    Ask the agency if they have a reunion registry.  If so, fill out any forms needed to register.  If your birth mother/parents have agreed to a reunion and provided their information, the agency will help you make contact.  

    If you know the hospital you were born at, contact them for information.  You may only get non-identifying information from the hospital.  

    Add your birth details to the ISRR reunion registry.  If your birth mother's details have been added, a match is made.

    Here is a link to adult adoptee blogs, where you'll find support, ideas, other stories.

    It's a roller-coaster ride, so be prepared when you begin.  I didn't send my first letter for 3 months, preparing myself emotionally for a negative reaction. I needed to know that if the door was closed in my face, it would be closing on my b-mom's past, not on me.   Fortunately, I had a positive reunion.  

    A good support forums on-line is:

    Best wishes!

    Reunited adoptee

  3. Please call with any problem, Anytime:

    Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

    Phone: 1-800-448-3000


  4. you would need to go where ever your birth certificate says your birth place was, then go to the hospital and you should have every right to your records thats crazy cause i was born in 1986 and my birth place was ohio but good luck

  5. Find out what hospital you were born at in Ohio, and see if you can see the birth certificate... Or go down to the CourtHouse in Ohio where you were born and pay the little amount to see your Originial Birth Certificate. I went throu the same thing, but my mother helped me find my biological father.. I found my mother on my own...

  6. Your adoption records are held in Massachusetts where the adoption was finalized, not where you were born.  

    Here is a portion of a letter another MA searcher received from state of  MA

    Effective December 3, 2007, adoptees born on or before July 14, 1974 or on or after January 1, 2008 will have direct access to birth certificates through the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics.  Because of this legislation, birth records can now be accessed without written consent of either birth parent.  The RVRS is currently preparing a procedure to access to these birth certificates, so it is best to contact them directly for updated information. The main telephone number is (617) 740-2600, or they can be reached by email at  

    For adopted individuals that were born between the 1974 and 2008 dates, there will be a voluntary registry created for birth parents who wish to provide their identities to their children.

    This does not apply to you because you were born between their time frame.  Sorry to give you this information.

    It is possible that your birth is still on the OH birth index.  Searching this requires that you know what county in OH you were born in.

    Good luck

  7. I would imagine they would be in Mass., since that is where the adoption took place.  Of course, there still might be birth records in Ohio.  Also, you might try to do a newspaper search in the town you were born (if you know it-and if they printed births).  It might list your parents names, and from there, you could do some searching on the web.

    Good Luck.  :)

  8. Find what adoption agency they used if it LDS then I don't know what to tell you. LDS family services are not for open records as far as i know. If they can hid a child from the natural father for 16 months (now day) they most likly won't tell you anything.

    My question is why would your adopted parents want to do this to you? This is so sad. they might be scared of losing you and you need to explain you need to feel complete and if they have nothing to hid then why not give you all the info you need

      If I had ever adopted I would never keep this sercret from the child I took to love. Good luck and this is just the reason all records need to be open.

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