
Help, running away to Scotland!?

by Guest58148  |  earlier

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Due to circumstances i dont want to explain, my girlfriend, who is 16, and me, who is 18, need to run away somewhere or else we'll be in danger, along with other things. I have cousins and aunts and uncles who live near Glasgow, Scotland, and was thinking we would run away there for a bit until I can find a job and a way of living over there for a while. I was wondering if you guys think it is possible to live a happy life doing this? Also if we did it, would we ever be able to come back to the United States in a couple years? Thanks




  1. You do know that Americans aren't exactly LIKED in Scotland, don't you?

  2. Please make sure you have your girlfriend's family's consent. You're a legal adult. She is not yet legal. That could get you into a little bit of trouble, my dear. It's good that you're going to live with/near family there. It's possible to lead a happy life living anywhere. Just make sure that this is really the decision that you want. If there's no other way out, I think this is a good plan. If I remember correctly, you can remain a citizen of the United States for 4 years, at the most, without residency on American soil, then you either lose your citizenship or you can move back to the U.S. to avoid losing citizenship here.

    If this is something you're planning on a whim, please really think it through. Pros, Cons, the whole nine yards. You've already said you don't want to explain, so I'll try not to pry. Your reasons for leaving should be pretty serious to do something as necessary and dramatic as this. I'm 17, and I can't imagine what could happen in my life that would make me feel the need to leave the country.

    Best of luck to you both! I hope everything turns out well.

  3. The reality of this situation:  You are 18 and your friend is 16. If you two run off, YOU will be charged with criminal kidnapping. You need to re-think this situation. No, I dont think that anytime you are on the run you can truly be happy as you will always be looking over your shoulder. Whatever it is that is causing your troubles needs to be remedied another way, or you will end up in prison for "protecting"  your girlfriend, and what good will you be to her there??? None.

  4. If you are in danger, can you not go to the police? And why not go to a different state instead? Also, you can't just move here and get a job, you have to apply for permission to live and work here. You can find out more at but beware that it is not just a case of hopping on a plane and sending off your CV to a few potential employers. Because the USA is not a part of the EU, you have absolutely no right to just come and live here on a whim.

  5. I agree with the opinion that as long as you will be running away you will not be truly happy. Though you can run to other place in US so you won't cross the international border and experience less difficulties.

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