
Help, spiders!!!?

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Okay i'm a veg@n and I really don't like having to kill spiders but I find them very scary and I don't know how to get rid of them. Whats a good way to get rid of spiders without having to kill them?!?!




  1. a shop vac, or any vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment..

    they may die but at least you wont be squishing them or risk getting bitten if you try to scoop them up me spider bites suck , brown recluse bites really suck....well hurt...peace

  2. You're really not gonna impact the population of spiders around your house without actually killing them by the gross metric ton. Sorry.  I kill them around my place by the hundreds and they still get more and more and more.

  3. Get a box and try to follow the spider. When u see the spider, scoop the box an make sure the spiders in there. Get outside and go around the block. When u get around the block let the spider go in the grass of somebody's yard or where there is grass around the block. After that go back home and relax more. I hope u use my idea!!!!

  4. I agree with the computer paper, that is usually what I do. Although spiders are scary, they really don't want to bother us.

    You could use organic spray that is made from plants to ward them off and discourage the spiders from moving in.

    My sister is petrified of spiders. She sucks them up with her vac. and put the canister outside to let the spiders go free.

  5. get a peice of computer paper and let them crawl on it then set the paper outside until they crawl off

  6. the old glass + magazine combination works for me. Trap it in the glass and chuck it out the window. It's still not great tho in case it flicks out of the glass onto your hand or something!! eek!!

  7. that's Impossible I'm sorry

  8. call in the verminators

  9. what does being a vegan have to do with killing a bunch of spiders, if you keep hugging a tree you are apt to be bitten by one, find something else to do with some of your free time

  10. Have them crawl onto something that you have in the house a piece of paper, cardboard.... and put them outside they will survive.

  11. Face your fear by carrying them and put it outside.

  12. you may be asking the impossible...  every urban acre is supposed to contain between 1 million to 2 million spiders...if your lot is 1/4 acre then there may be 2-3 hundred thousand spiders withing 50 feet of your home at any given time
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