
Help, the state of Illinois is trying to kill me, or: Don't mind me letting off some steam.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a full-time student (20+ hours/wk) who works as a *tutor* earning *minimum wage* for 25 hours/wk, driving 20 city miles/day to get to school/work, babysitting GF's children (8 & 9) 15 hours/wk, paying outrageous prices on used books ($120+ each), am constantly bothered on my free time to care for two grandparents (one severely disabled), I have ADHD, no one takes it seriously, I pay $40 per month for medication plus $25 "med mgmt" fee for the doc to write it out, find it extremely difficult to concentrate with my shared studio aptmt space / upstairs grandparents calling me, cannot sleep well, cannot eat well, have no time to exercise, and I know another year of this'll take years off my life.

My GPA is over 3.9, I always help people (to a fault), I have no criminal record (but cops harass me on appearance), oh and I'm white nevermind I figured out what happened.

Are there like ANY state assistance programs I could mooch off of? Other people do for much much less. It hurts inside.




  1. illinois? i thought obamma fixed everything for illinois.write your senator he has extra rooms in the mansion tony reznik bought him.he knows the best places to get your drugs too.sorry just saw your white.forget it you have unfair advantages already.


  3. I have no answer to your question. I just have to say that you're an amazing person if you put up with all this...and have that high of a GPA.

  4. The textbook thing may have a solution. I know that the proposed solution by Lt. Governor Quinn is never going anywhere, the publishers would never go for it, and there are many  faculty members earning fees by using textbooks of their own authorship.

    There is a website called I The fees for downloading chapters or entire books are much cheaper than the bookstore costs for used books, much less new ones.

    If they come up with any solution to the spiraling cost of textbooks, my best educated guess is that they will go with something like this. Sort of along the lines of Rhapsody. The publishers get paid, the students save money, and we save more than a few trees.

    I'd look into something like Medicaid, for assistance with prescriptions, if your income is low enough. The USDA does the foodstamp program. I know you said that one of your grandparents is severely disabled, but is there any way the other might help out with the kids? I know enough grandmas to recognize a new twinkle in their eyes when around a grandchild.

  5. Please, do you expect anyone to take this seriously? Your supposedly doing all this stuff on your own, but you want to 'mooch' off the government? Get real.

  6. sorry bro nothing for you. Although, I know a few people who have claimed they are minorities and received benefits. You may want to try that route. If people can lie and say they are unable to work, you can lie to get the system to work.

  7. Dude... i'm like in the EXACT same boat but instead of grandparents, for me it's my parents and i don't currently live with them anymore. I too have ADHD, and ADD it's IMPOSSIBLE to sleep and pay attention. I was thinking of joining the army... it almost seems like it's the only resort anymore. Basically if you're born poor you will have a miserable life and die poor. Life sucks and then you die brother.. good luck on whatever you do. No love no justice, keep on keepin on but i have no idea what aid to get besides financial aid which isn't nearly enough for anything... Try applying to Harvard o_O you can get everything paid for if you're poor and have awsome grades. The problem is getting in =) gl

  8. Have you tried the FAFSA before? That's the main source of school-related financial aid I know of. (And it's pretty much the only thing getting a lot of the people I know through school).

    I think it does sound like you ought to lighten up on whatever you possibly can. I did a way-too-intense year this past year, and I've been regretting it. Can any of the jobs be dropped, or is the income absolutely necessary? Are the books available used or on rent from a library? But I'm guessing you've looked into some of those.

    Mainly, I recommend the FAFSA if you haven't tried it before. It doesn't help a lot with living expenses, but as far as school expenses go it can be very helpful.

  9. Try lowering the price of meds with this card:

    Do you have a pell grant? Fill out FaSFA at:

    If your pay is less than $850 a month, you can apply for food stamps and medicaid. See your local welfare department.

  10. People don't mooch off the state.  They get assistance when they need it and qualify for it.  Apply for your state's medical assistance at your local Department of Social Services.  Talk to a representative at your local health department or mental health association.  They may be able to help with some living expenses costs.  And don't whine when you go in to talk to them.  There are a lot of hidden programs that only get disclosed if your representative likes you, so make them like you.  And get your local senior citizens advocacy group involved in your grandparents care.  Maybe if you get some assistance looking after them you won't feel so overwhelmed.

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