
Help, this is so bad I can't stand it any more?

by  |  earlier

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I am on my 8th day of not sleeping hardly at all from my restless leg syndrome. It's driving me NUTS. I have tried a muscle relaxer, quinine containing club soda, stretching, etc, but nothing is working (these methods usually do). I am going crazy; i havent slept in same bed as husband in over a week because of this.




  1. Catagory "Marriage and Divorce " NOT health .....

  2. Try taking up a physical activity. Tai Chi may help.

  3. Call your doctor and get Mirapex.  From what I heard this stuff really works.

  4. Go see a professional.

  5. There is a prescription medicine for that problem. I don't no the name if it though.

  6. i had them pretty bad a few months ago.they went away after i stopped taking a are you on any meds?try elevating your legs in bed it helped me.

  7. Nothing a bottle of Jack Daniels won't cure.

  8. don't try to get self medicate, cause you will never know the consequences of your act would be.. my advise go see a doctor that could really help you a lot!! cause your just wasting your time and money in buying stuff that is not ment to help you with ur problem, sometimes it may aggravate your symptoms..  

  9. I haven't had this problem but have a friend that did. She swears that an old wives' tale she was told did work. She was told to, just before bedtime, rub the soles of her feet with a Mentholated Chest Rub, such as you'd use for a cold, and then wear socks to bed. She said it helped her.

  10. Go see your physician.  Best advice I can give on this one.

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