
Help, what kind of effects pedal do I need for my electric guitar?

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I have been playing the electric guitar for about a year now. I havent ever bought a pedal so I dont know which ones do what, or which ones are even any good. I have a fender strat, and a KUSTOM amp. I have been playing long enough to know that, to get certain sounds I need a pedal. I want to get that sound in Sweet Child O' Mine by guns n' roses on guitar, and I just cant do it. Do I need a pedal to get that sound? Thanks in advance.




  1. you need one my cousin can play that song with a pedal he bought for bout 150? it has like a hundred different sounds and there all pretty friggin cool lol

  2. Unless you know exactly what kind of effect you're looking for and why you want it, you're better off seeing how much you can pull out of your amp first and foremost.  Slash uses very few pedals; he uses a Les Paul guitar and a Marshall amp cranked really, really loud in order to generate that tone.  Now I assume you don't have a few thousand bucks for gear like that lol, but my point is try and do all you can possibly do with what you have before investing in a lot of "toys."  One or two pedals are fine, but too many pedals too quickly become overwhelming and complicated for new players, and can distract us from spending necessary time learning the fundamentals of actual guitar playing.

    So that being   You can get close to that tone you want with a Boss overdrive pedal.  Notice I said "overdrive," and not "distortion" because there is a difference.  The one I've used for a while now is the Boss SD-1, but they make several of them now.  They're relatively cheap, especially if you can score a used one on eBay or craigslist (they last forever, so if it's well-taken care of you almost never get a bad one, and that can save you a few bucks).

    Good luck.  :)

    - C

  3. I would start with a distortion pedal.  A delay is nice too.  

  4. yea, go to ur local guitar store and look, or maybe u just need a better amp, some amp have built in stuff.

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