
Help, what should i do?

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Am pregnant and 17. My mum says she will stand by me but not sure if i should keep the baby or not. three years ago i was paralysed in a car accident and to make matters worse i was raped and that was how i got pregnant. due to my dissability i still live with my mum but not sure if i will be able to cope with a baby. bad thing is that i only just found out and am like 13 weeks gone already. what should i do?




  1. no abortion is not the right answer! im 13, never been preg. but still if you get an abortion. it is just like murder. u go to h**l.

    have the baby

    if you cant take care of it

    take it to your local fire/police department.

    and give it up for adoption



  2. I honestly don't know what I would do, but I hope I would try to find a home for that child. I have friends who would be so happy to have a child.  

  3. Okay im not implying anything but you seem to have had some very bad luck, or this is a load of c**p. but im going to give you the benefit of the doubt. get rid of the baby

  4. If you should keep the baby or not is a question only you can answer. What I do know is that there are SO MANY couples out their that can't have children just waiting for a chance to adopt. I really recommendd considering adoption.  

  5. Telephone Planned Parenthood for advice from a responsible adult. This is a free, confidential service for teens. Sorry to hear about your difficult situation. Best wishes, G

  6. Personally, I would have an abortion if I were you. You are paralyzed, you were raped, and you are only 17. This will be so tough for you! It is okay that you are 13 weeks. However, if you have doubts about getting an abortion, then you shouldn't do that because it might make matters worse for you if you have a bad feeling about it. Perhaps you could put the baby up for adoption. If not, then you are lucky you have your mother. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I wish you the best.

  7. gosh, umm, i would pull  juno move, just have the baby and put it up for adoption, that way it will be with a family that is ready for a baby, and its not a "devil" child, its not the baby's fault, good luck

  8. think about it.

    do you want a baby?

    do you want to live your life a little first?

    are you prepared to be commited?

    would you prefer to live your life a little before?

    would you be able to cope with a baby of whom is the child of someone who raped you?!

    which every time that you looked at it, it reminded you of him?

    your choice xx

  9. If you were raped due to your disability how are you only 13 wks pregnant , you are talking as if  you were raped 3 years ago.. get your story straight.. i dont think you should keep it , if the baby is due to a rape...

  10. Only you can answer that question. You are the one who have to live with the decision that you make.

  11. Every time you look at the baby you will think of what happened.

    And you cant give it away, because its like a peice of you will be missing. I say abort!

  12. k the whole DEVIL child thing is a little to much i would say keep the baby cause its not the babies fault i mean id say the baby would bring a little happiness into your life and if u cant afford it there is governemt help trust me theres SO MUCH u can do to help ur baby without having to give it up or abort it!  

  13. keep your baby....if not....give it to me....I'll take it....don't blame the baby for it having a  father/sperm donor with no morals...give that baby a chance....I had one at 17...didn't even like his dad...but I love him to death! he is 31 now...please think about the joy that a little one prayers and blessing are with your mom and you and the little one that's in a dangerous situation...

  14. Were you paralysed from legs down? Because if you were then yes, as you can be in a wheelchair or possibly crutches, I dont know, and you can get to the baby if its crying or needs feeding. If neck down (which I expect isnt likely or else you probs wouldnt be out on your own, but anyway) then that is a hard desicion, as you wouldnt be able to do really anything for the baby, but your mother could look after it and you could love it all the same.

    Good luck I wish you well.

  15. abort abort abort. Do you really want to give birth to the child of a rapist?????

    abortion is the only option!

  16. make a list of pros and cons and do what your heart says  i hope you send the one that did this to jail so he does not do it again

  17. omg, that's so nasty. it is really good that your mum is being very supportive...if you did choose to have an abortion that would be really understandable, but remember the baby is the innocent one you think that your mum would be able to take the baby on if you had it but you couldn't cope...maybe that would be something that you could discuss. i also think you should attend counselling to help you through this difficult time. get you mum to go with you

  18. I feel so sorry for you darling . umm well if i was you i would have the baby then see if i can manage it with my mum then if i couldnt look after it i would put it up for foster care so that i could reclaim my child anytime but i dont really no what to sa cos being raped is a truly awful thing to go through as your child will hav some genes of your rascist . remember your mum is there to help!

  19. Only you can decide what is best for you.

    It's great that your Mum has said she'll stand by you and support you - now you have to talk it over with her, and carefully discuss and consider all your options. Write down your thoughts and feelings for each option as you discuss them, think about how difficult you would find it if you were to keep the baby, both financially and emotionally, and also whether you would be able to handle the alternatives any better.  Remember that whatever you decide, you'll have to live with, but also that there is no "right" or "wrong" answer to this, you have to make the decision based on your own situation.

    Whatever you decide, it will be a difficult decision and an emotional time for you, and I wish you all the best. xx

  20. :O wow bad situations.keep the baby and take care of it wit youre mom.youre mom can help you with did u get into those scary situations?anyway dont get a abortion.its jus sadd.

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