
Help,about telling my sister!?

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i just told my older sister online a couple of hours ago that i am g*y,first she said things like no ur not and it`s normal to be confused but i said no and i`m sure.but before today i sent her an email and in it i asked her abt her opinion on g*y people,she said theyr`e fine.but now i really regret that i told her,do u think she`ll buy it if i tell her that it was a well planned joke?how can i get out of this?




  1. heres what you do. get a good friend to pose as your girlfriend THEN tell her it was a joke! she;ll believe you then.. i hope. sorry but shes your sister, she should accept you

  2. Dont lie, its the worse thing to do at this point. you need to accept who you are and you need to deal with your sexuality and there is no better way than to have someone to talk to it about. your sister has had the privilege of you telling her and she will see later on that, that is a beautiful thing and trusting thing to share. it seems that you told her before you were ready, but at this point know who you are, and if you are g*y own it, it does not have to change you in her eyes unless you let it, unless you become something you dont want to be

  3. The cat is out of the bag... and they don't go back in easily.

    You came out to your sister for a reason, why not just see how everything goes? It can take a little while for even the most understanding people to accept it. Give her at least a week. :)

    If you're worried she'll tell your family, ask her not to. Let her know its -your- news to break. She should respect that...

    Take a deep breath and you'll be fine. :)

  4. I'm afraid the cat is out of the bag. She probably just needs some time to sort out what you told her. In time I am sure she will be fine.

  5. is too late to regret about the past. How ironic that i did try to attempt a similar act by sending an email to my sister about my sexual confusion, which i somehow managed to log into her account and deleted the message before she gets her hand on it.

    Since you already took that big step by telling your sister that you are g*y, it is pointless to regret about it. hm... maybe it is best that you try to prepare the aftermath. well of course you cant control the future or control your sister's reaction, however, you guys might spend some time together talking about the topic. Good luck with everything.  

  6. Nah she won't believe you, although if you try she might realise how hard it would of been to come out to her so she might be more supportive and stuff...but seriously coming out at first is hard but later it becomes allot easier and you'll be glad you've done it.

  7. You have had time to get your head around this, and although you did try to prepare her it is a new concept to her and it will take a little while for her to process it.

    Just give her time to get used to the idea.  It sounds like she is ok with homosexuality but has never considered in relation to you.

    Well done it is a brave thing to do.  It is common to feel discomfort and regret afterwards while others take there time to respond and things get back to normal.

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