
Help , Whats wrong with my mare????

by  |  earlier

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ok so iv had a mare for almost a year now , up until now shes been fine , but she wont lie down or sleep , as i stayed with her for the past few nights , she keeps looking at her tummy , I'm very worried about her , she is Arabian ,Grey and 16.2 hands shes 8 yrs old as well , her last owner kept her in a Field with mares and geldings and a stallion once as she has all ready when he had her had a filly .




  1. Check her teats........between her hind legs.  Are they dripping milk, do they look full?   She may be ready to give birth.  If she was with a stallion between 10 and   12 months ago she could be having a baby.

  2. Wel if your worried about her health call the vet. But you could take her TPR first which is her temperature (should be between 37.5-38.5 dregrees C) then her pulse (35-45) beats per min and her respiration shold be between 8 and 14 breaths per min. Take the temperature last though case this usually affects the other two readings if you do it first. also what are her droppings like and how many per day... You need to be able to tell the vet it makes it alot easier for him.  

  3. I don't think it's something small, pregnant or colic, I would call the vet at least you will know and she can get treatment or he/she could tell you if things will be fine if pregn.  best of luck, does she have milk, are her udders very large?  Need a bit more info.  Take care

  4. I'm thinking it's probably colic. Contact a vet and have him tell you for sure what's wrong. At first when you said she kept looking at her tummy, I thought it was pregnancy. But as I read on it isn't pregnancy.

    And, how old are you? You have you're own horse but you you have no idea whats wrong. Not meaning to rain on your parade or anything like that. Just curious

  5. probably colic

  6. that's a bit weird as when they look at there tummy's it could be colic but then she would be rolling and lying down. i would call the vet just in case to get a professional opinion

  7. It sounds like colic....anyways if she hasnt slept in couple night & is showing odd behaviour...CALL THE VET!! If you cant afford vet bills when your horse is in distress, you shouldnt own a horse hun!  

    Good Luck, Hope Everything Works out Well!

    EDIT: What if it IS something serious?? Honestly...its like $70 for a vet call....thats like...nothing...if your concerned, call the vet...if you dont think its anything then why did you stay up with her for the past couple nights?????

  8. could she be pregnant if she was kept in a Field with a stallion?

    if not it could be very slight colic?

    either way i'd ask a professional opinion it'll be worth the call out fee for the peace of mind!

    Hope this helps xx xx

  9. either she's pregnant, or she has colic... i dunno. some horses stand stock still to see if the pain will go away. mebee that's why she won't lie down...

  10. Horses are delicate creatures for their size and might.  If you don't know how to diagnose any symptoms, you need to call a vet.  Once you get a good relationship built with a good vet, they can often diagnose problems or tell you things to try or even assess whether a visit is necessary, but you have to build that relationship.

    People always say they can't afford a vet - if you can't afford a good couple vet calls a year, you shouldn't have a horse.  If a vet call is even $100, that's a better value than putting it off, finding the horse is totally ruined or the problem progresses until you're forced to call a vet and it costs thousands to fix or you must decide to put the horse down.  It really does equate to responsibility - if an ignorant owner puts off an issue such as the one you've described and the result is a permanent unsoundness of the horse, what have you done for that horse?  Relegated it to a life of misfortune most likely - who will buy it or take it in if it has issues or little to no value?

    The symptoms you describe could be any one of a dozen different things including simple things to fix with one or two shots or feed changes to life threatening issues.

    I will add that if a mare at any time was pastured with a stallion, it should be assumed she's pregnant.  Any stallion or mare even 6 months old can become pregnant.  Turning any mare out with any stallion then saying she does't think she's pregnant is about the most irresponsible and ignorant thing I've heard in all my 41 years with horses.  It takes 10-11 months for a mare to birth a foal, if the mare was with the stallion in question anytime within the past 11 months, it's a certain possibility that she is pregnant.  And if this is the case you better call the vet, become smart about what it takes to birth and care for a foal real quick.  If she was with a stallion long long ago, then possible pregnancy can't be the issue.

    Bottom line - call your vet.  This is not the place to allow people who have no solid view of your horse and no full information about what she's eaten, where she's been and many other clues that tell about her condition and fix your problem for you.

  11. Get a vet out for a scan she might be in foal especially if she was out with a stallion or it may be something else.

    No point asking on yahoo.

  12. Those can be symptoms of colic. Only your vet can tell for sure. Call the vet.

    Its okay to call the vet even if it is something really small. It has been my unfortunate experience that when you delay calling the vet to avoid a small vet bill, things escalate you and you end up with a big vet bill.  

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