
Help!!! 10 year old in serious trouble! ?

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please, i need advice ASAP!

k, I'mm only 10 and going into grade 5, andI'mm having some serious friendship drama.


so my 2 friends tori and cassie are against my other friend, allie. i really like all three of them, but tori and cassie threaten that they wont be my friend if i hang with allie. really, idon'tt know why cassie and tori hate allie so much, maybe just cause shes a little spoiled and an only child, and they're jealous. but like at school or recess, when allie asks me to play and i say yes, tori kicks me and tries not to let anyone see! and when i say 'ow' she kicks again so i shut up. i feel horrible, 'coz allie is the new girl anddoesn'tt have many friends yet, and tori and cassie have been at the school since playschool...really i need help! what am i supposed to do! idon'tt want to lose any of my friends, but none of them get along!





  1. try this. my friends did that to me so got rid of them, and you should too. Don't let these girls walk all over you and kick you around. don't take that abuse! For god's sake STAND UP against these girls and tell them to stop fighting! Don't get violent, leave that **** to me. go to the principle and tell on them, your own health is on the line, and no one is worth that much! get rid of them. if my words don't help you, try these pages for me and see how it works.

    And kid, good luck with all this. and remember we gain friends and we lose them. I've learned that over the years. if this doesn't help you, then you probably aren't hanging around the right people. focus on your school work and keep safe. I repeat: good luck kid.

    Ta ta,


  2. Wow... Friendship is serious buissness for females.

  3. I went through a similar thing with my friend Grim.

    wed allways spend all our time together when we were younger, but when we went to highschool we both started getting diferent interests and it started to become awequard spending so much time together.

    eventually i met a new group of friends alot more like me but i still wanted to hang around with Grim.

    whenever he saw me with them hed get realy mad and wouldnt talk to me and hed allways give them weird looks.

    realy i just thought, if he was realy a good friend he should understand.

    and if tori and cassie were realy good friends they should understand that your friends with this person and they should respect that.

    Just say something to them and if they dont understand there obviously not very good friends.

  4. Anyone that kicks you is not your friend...

    Tell them to stop acting so childish.

    Tell them that she's YOUR friend and doesn't have to be theirs too. As long as they feel they are in control they are going to have you on a string.

  5. ok ask tori and casey what they dont like about allie and try to fix it get em all together just try and im 16 and ive learned alot of c**p like this if it keeps happening tori and csey arent really ur friends and maby thier jelious that u hang with her

  6. This may not be the answer you want, but its what you should do. If your two friends are telling you that this new girl cant be your friend,then they're not really your friends. You are the one whose supposed to decide who your friends are. Besides, i think its nice that you're befriending the new girl when she has no other friends. Hopefully, your other two friends will realize how stupid they sound. By the way, tell the principal your friend kicks you. Hope this helps =]

  7. 1. get over it

    2.elementty school drama is so lame

    3.tell torri shes a *****

    4.tell torri and cassie to get over it and grow up

    5.if they are threatening to not be your friends, they dont care about you

  8. Lolz of the drama of 5th grade. It doesn't sound like torie and cassie are good friends, in my opionin I would hang out with allie.

    Good luck!

  9. wow i kinda been in this problem KINDA but my friends have.Tori is mean if she was a real friend she wouldnt kick you she would talk to you so you should ask them why they dont like allie and you should tell tori to stop kicking you.

    Im in 6th Grade now.

    My friend told me to stop hanging out with my other friends but i went with my other friends but now everybody is friends

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