
Help! 15 days late...neg HPT...Blood test?

by Guest44606  |  earlier

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I don't want to get to excited, but I am 15 days late and still no sign of AF. My LMP was July 10th and I am slightly irregular, between 19 and 28 days but never more then that. I took a HPT yesterday however it was negative. I know you can get False negatives, but being this late? I made an apt for blood work, would that be the best answer? I didn't have any signs other then sore b*****s, but only to the touch, and then since I woke up this morning at about 6:30 I've been nauseas and it has yet to completely go away. Do you guys think there is still a chance I'm pregnant regardless of the Negative HPT? Thanks in advanced for your response!




  1. Yes, sounds like you still may be pregnant even though you got a negative pregnancy test. Yes, blood work would be a good idea to find out for sure.  You can also take another over-the-counter test and see what it says.  Good Luck!  You sound pregnant to me :-)

  2. Yes you do and its sounds like you are....It happens to alot of ppl that they take HPT and they came out nagative and when they get blood test done it comes out positive you might me one of thoses girls but it sounds like you are to me Good Luck to you keep your hopes up let us know what happens  

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