
Help! 16, Gonna Be Homeless With No Money.?

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Well Basically, Me And My Boyfriend Are Crashin At A Mates House Atm And We Were Wonderin If We Had Any Way Ov Gettin Our Own Flat? We Haven't Any Money And Our Mate Is Gettin Fed Up Of Us Crowdin Tha Place Up So Basically We Reli Need Help Before We Kicked Out . . . ? Help Please. What Can We Do?




  1. Either get back into education or get a job. Until you get some money together you won't be able to get a flat of your own. Why should the tax payer have to fund your lifestyle?  

  2. Considering the rules, chances are you will be put to the top of the list for counsel housing, although perhaps not in the best estate. At least it will be a roof.

    If either of you are in school, good on you. If not, then it does make sense to look for even a small job. It will be good for a bit of money at present and can begin the process of building a good work history. Something that will be of vital importance in future if you haven't passed your a levels, and a guess is you are not at that place yet.

    Please consider job training or other education completion, and at least small job, even if you do get a flat.


  3. how about getting a job? Then you can work for things and pay your way

  4. get jobs

  5. You can buy/rent a flat because you're 16 so you can legally live on your own. Obviously if you have no money then that's a problem. You could rent a flat and ask the landlord if you can pay rent late. That means you would have to get a job. If that's not possible then there are plenty of Youth Hostels which would help you out for a bit and also there would be people there like social workers there who could guide you in the right direction for finding a place of your own. That's all you can do really.


  6. There is this thing called a job.. You know, where you go everyday in the week, and work, and they give you money if you do a good job... I know its crazy!

  7. 1: Go back to your parents if possible

    2: Get a job

  8. oh dear.. i guess you are the benefits type.

    Now.. why should anyone help you?

    Help yourself like the rest of the WORKING world.

    For fook sake!

  9. could get a job!


  10. It can be difficult to get any form of housing dew to a lack of available tennancies. Study the points rating in your local area, find the best advocacy service and understand that you have to be legally homeless to get housed. If your  friend is so fed up then he needs to establish an eviction date before you are likely to get somewhere. Look up shelter and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and there publications on homelessness.

    Although you might not like this label you should be described as a vulnerable young person and hopefully in your area there should be organisations payed to help. Try Citisens Advice as a starting point.

    Good Luck and hope it works out.

  11. I don't really know that much but I suppose it has something to do with were you live. When I was 16 my mum kicked me out and I ended up in a hostel until the council gave me my own place.

    I would say get in contact with re-housing at you local council and sign yourself as homeless. Being 16 you are quite young, they will want to know all the details of why you are homeless. So I suggest if you walked out of home to get your mum or dad back on side and get them to say they kicked you out! And even if they kicked you out in some cases they need proof from your parents they did before they rehouse you.

    Its this intentionally or purposely homeless thingy.

    I stayed 3 month in a hostel then I had a council flat of my own...Its all down to circumstances. You could get a bedsit together...there quite cheap. Get your name on the housing list!

    Sign on from your m8s as a Care of address!!!!!!

    Get a job? If either of you have come out of the care system i am sure they will help rehome you!!

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