
Help 1o pts?

by Guest56369  |  earlier

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how to make more friends?




  1. well if u mean at skool just go up to ppl some one who looks friendly most ppl r and act like ur self dont freak them out tho

  2. well...i think it's best to be yourself and maybe talk more with others and find someone who has the same interest as you...

  3. Smile at people.  Talk to them.  Join in activites with others.  Go to events.  Make yourself approachable.

  4. Be yourself

    Don't be to pushy or forward

    Have repsect for people

    Be polite

    Be patient- you can't expect to become good friends with anyone fast.

    Try and relax when your aroung them

    Be honest

    Don't be 2-faced

    Look at this:

    There is a lot more advice there than i'll ever beable to give you!

    Good luck!!!!

  5. don't STRESS it out.....the most important thing! AND be yourself..there's no need to be different in order to become friends with anyone else.

    Real friends will come when it's the right time. I don't have many friends and that would just stress me out during high school and even my first two years of college. Then I realized that true friends who will be there in good times as well as bad times are few. In life you will meet very few people who will party will you one day and will get you out of a discomforting situation the next day.

    Ask yourself, why do you want more friends? What do you think you will accomplish from getting more friends? Will having more friends really make you a happier person?

    Relax and good luck!

  6. Just be your self.

    and they will come to you!

    also try and stick out, be outgoing and go up to people and introduce yourself!
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