
Help! 2.5 year old will not potty train

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he is peeing in the potty, never has an accident with pee. but he REFUSES to p**p in the potty. says he does not want to. says he likes pooping in his diaper, and that hes scared to p**p in the potty. i can catch him in the corner squeezin one out, and he WONT GOTO THE POTTY CHAIR!! this is very frustrating. i want to put him in underwear, cuz im tired of buying diapers, but im tired of washing p**p out of underwear! any advice is great!




  1. don't use the regular underwear yet. put him  in pullups and when you see him in the corner, get him to the potty as quick  as you can. It takes time to fully potty train. Each child has their own schedule. Give him praise and maybe a special reward when he goes p**p in the toilet. It takes a long time to train. My daughter would not get PT until she was 3 1/2. because of her brother still was in diapers and i didn't mind having to change his. Now my son needs to be potty trained. He sits on the potty but doesn't go yet. but he is 2 and he is not entirely ready to be trained.

  2. yes, yes...they will do it when they are ready. My daughter was pooping all over the house!! I was so angry about it but I had to keep my cool and continue to let her know that p**p belongs in the potty. Now she does go in the potty...sometimes. I just keep on her about it. That's all you can do.  

  3. Well, I've read something about that in a parenting magazine and they said that when you know your child normally poops, like after eating or something, you should put them on the potty and wait. They said normally they'll go to the bathroom despite themselves if you do that. If that doesn't work, you could always do what my family did,... because I had that problem when I was a kid. They spanked me every time I did that and I was broken of that habbit really quickly. Good luck.

  4. PLease do not rush it. They are ready when they are. Do not compare him to other kids. You set yourself to fail if you do. Every kid is different. My son is 4 and he just started to do p**p in the potty. Sometimes they are scared of the big toilet and to clean themselves. Take is easy. The more you fuzz about it the less he will fell comfortable doing it. I understand but it does take time for some kids.  

  5. Instead of diapers why don't you switch to pull ups? That will help him get used to the motion of pulling underwear up and down, but give you an easier way to clean up when he goes in his pants.

    Still, 2 1/2 is pretty young to be fully potty trained, and all kids go at their own pace. PLEASE don't compare him to other children, and don't punish him when he poops in his pants. Negative reinforcement isn't the way to go, especially when potty training.

    I would try what others have suggested and use rewards for when he goes to the potty. I'd also entice him with the fact that he can't have "big boy undies" like daddy/big brother until he can p**p in the potty. Maybe let him pick out some with a favorite cartoon character so he will want to wear the special big boy undies.

    He'll be potty trained before you know it. Just remember to be patient, and remember one day you'll wish you could go back to the days when he was in diapers again. :o) Good luck!

  6. It is VERY common for kids to pee in the  potty and not p**p in the potty.  My daughter was like this until she was almost 4!  He has to make the call when he is ready..not you.  Get untired of buying diapers.

  7. don't get frustrated he is still a baby and some of them are not ready for it. it's look like he is comfortable with it go with him not against him, boys are usually slow then girls. my 2 years boy is not even trying do pee in the potty and my 6y girl was  trained at 20 mons... don't worry he will be trained soon..... good luck  

  8. my mom owns a preschool and im pretty sure this has happened. does he have a special treat? like you know, stickers, tatoos, etc.? what my mom does is tempts them onto the potty with one. say, "if you go poo on the potty you can have a sticker!" and continue asking him every 10-15 min. if he needs to go. or just after meals if that is more convenient. good luck!

  9. dont worry.. my little girl is almost 3 and we are just taking it eassy.. SHe still has the same probmlems.. she wont use her little potty chair it has to be the big potty.. It will come in time..

  10. You could try making him help you wash the p**p out of the underwear. Just make sure he washes his hands really well. Tell him that p**p goes in the toilet, and either he can put it there by pooping in the toilet, or he can dump it from his undies into the toilet and then clean the undies. It sounds like he has the bowel control to use the toilet, he just doesn't want to because it's too easy.

    You could also try a reward system. Find something he likes, and give him stickers for every time he poops in the potty. Then when he gets so many (start with a small number) he gets a reward. Build up to bigger rewards with more stickers, and eventually he will be going all the time,.  

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