
Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'[?

by  |  earlier

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Well my best friendis getting out a a relationship after 15months.there done for good this time, and i dont know what do do, i love this girl to death and she always told me if they broke up then i would have a chance but idk how to go about it she knows how i fell but what do i do!




  1. okay she might feel the same way theres hope

    flirt a little

    if she flirts back and stares and stuf then make a move.

    talk with her

    i know its hard !!!

    and im sorry


    but seriously if u love this girl then u should let her knw

    Im a girl and im flattered when a guy likes me even if i dont like them back. trust me she sounds great and u 2 sound great so good luck! :)

  2. dont go for it right away man

    it will show ur really desperate

    talk to her / flirt with her

    show her that you like her alot bring her on dates take her out places

    she will realize

    after that than talk to her about it

    dont seem desperate

  3. take it slow and do some friend things together then ask her for an actual date

    that is what i would do

  4. just be flirty and then go from there

  5. don't be too blunt. she's just comming out of a relationship. Just tell her that shes very special to you and you'll always be there for her. that she knows what she means to you but you're not going to pressure her into a relationship. Youll b there when she's ready. If she loves you shell let you know and if not then value your frienship,

  6. well first talk to your friend about how he feels about the break up if hes mad about it wait till he cools down then ask if it's ok if he doesnt care much then wait a little bit then ask good luck

  7. talk,talk,talk

    share your feelings.....pleeeaassseee

    so that she understands!!  

  8. ask her out... duh!

  9. leave the poor girl alone

    she just ended 15 month relationship

    dont ask her about it just yet

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