
Help! 6 year old 1st grade son hates school and tries to get out of going everyday.?

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He says he's sick or his belly hurts. and when i try to make him go he throws the biggest fits. What do I do to make him want to go or at least understand that he has no choice?




  1. Talk to him, Maybe kids at school are bullying him Or maybe even a teacher... Take time to really try to figure out why he doesn't want to go. I might be more serious then that he just doesn't like school.

  2. Talk to him, ask him why he doesn't like school. After talking to him talk to the teacher. Their has to be a reason why he doesn't like school. Maybe he is getting bullied or maybe he doesn't understand some of the school work. When I was younger my parents would let me pick any restaurant I wanted to eat at on Fridays because I went to school the whole week. Try that, it worked for me. Good Luck!

  3. Tell him that after he comes home from school you are going to do something really fun with him. Tell him that we are gonna play games together and etc...

  4. my husband hated his second grade teacher. he even stapled his finger so he could go home one day!

    talk to your son see if there is a reason he doesnt like school it could be a number of things from not being challenged enough, mean kids at school, dislikeing the teacher or he could be struggling in a certain subject or even the attention he getsfrom you when he stays at home.

    Sit down and talk to him about what is bothering him. If he cant or wont tell you, talk to the teacher if there are any problems that he or she is noticing. Once you pin point what problem is you can figure out how to deal with the situation.

  5. He has a choice. He can be homeschooled.

    But chances are there are bigger issues here. Why doesn't he want to go? Afraid of a bully, mean teacher, feel inferior?

    Give him a "playin hookie" day, go have some fun together and then sympatheticly ask him why he doesnt want to go and whathe thinks the solution is. Tell him your side, listen to his and ask him for ideas to solve the problem.

  6. find out if people are being mean to him talk with his teachers and see if they see anything wrong or not making friends also try to come up with an activity so he will look forward to it all day and have a reason to go to school

  7. Ask your son what he doesn't like about school, or ask his teacher if he/she has any insight as to what he's like at school. Or you could do what my parents' did when I was in the first grade - use bribery. I actually loved school, but hated recess because I was so unathletic. I'd stay inside with the teacher while my classmates went outside to play. The bribe worked for me - I always wanted a Barbie dream house!

  8. My son done the very same thing. come to find out there was another kid in his class saying mean things to him he finally told me what was going on i took care of it now he has no problem going to school. He  goes without any fight. You may need to talk to him and ask him why he dosen't want to go.

  9. Try and get him to tell you the reason he doesnt want to go then work from there....maybe he's being bullied?

  10. Stop giving in...sit him down, get eye to eye and make sure he listens.  Tell him there is no more of this, he is going to school Mon-Fri and there is nothing else to talk about.  I reward my son with pizza every friday.  Worked for me, and works for my son, lol.

  11. You should be a concerned parent and find out WHY he doesnt want to go. Don't tell him he has no choice.. find out what is bothering him. Talk to his teacher and see what is the problem. Maybe he is having some real issues and scared to talk about them.

  12. If it is a public school can you really blame him?

  13. I'd be concerned about what's happening at school to make him behave like that.  Have a talk with him.  Sit him down and ask why school isn't fun, what makes him not want to go so bad.  I'd be concerned about bullying at school, or a learning disorder that has embarassed.  Maybe have a talk with his teacher, and if she can't shed any light at least she can keep an eye out on him as far as the bullying thing.

    My nephew was like that, and he has a learning disorder.  It was embarassing for him, he couldn't read well and never answered questions right.  He would fight every morning about going to school.  Finally he got the additional help he needed and he doing much better and goes with any problems.

    Good luck!!!!

  14. I had this. and i wasn't faking, and i wasn't sick. i had panick attacks, i felt horrible, my stomache was in knots, i just dreaded school. And no one made fun of me, i had alot of friends, and i got strait a's without trying.

    I am home schooled now and I am much happier.

  15. try talking to a teacher! he may be having bullying issues!

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