
Help! A s*x QUESTION!!!....?

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can u have s*x when u dont even have ur period yet?

im just curious..... i dont have my period, and if i have s*x will anything happen to me?

Periods r only if u get pregnant, so nothing will happen to me... right?




  1. If you are too young to know how your body works, you are way too young to be having s*x.

  2. Wait till you can drive for god's sake.

  3. Sweetheart, your a little bit too young to even be asking this question.  If you don't have your period yet a possibility your no older than 13. You shouldn't even be having s*x.  

  4. You don't get your period when you get pregnant, you have to get your period to get pregnant at all.

    If you have s*x while you're on your period there's a higher chance of getting pregnant.

    You need to talk to your parents.

    or at lease go here:

  5. if you have to ask then your too young... why does everyone want to rush into adult responsibility. ? are you ready to be a full time mother with a baby? you ready to drop out of school to raise a baby? if your not having a period yet how do you know when the first time you will ovulate ? and how do you know you wont get pregnant.. ? your much too young.  

  6. don't you want to save it for marriage?

  7. You are not a dumb blonde, just a young girl asking a curious question. Never be ashamed to ask, that is how one learns.

    I would suggest that you abstain from s*x, although there is no reason as to why you can not have it.

    If you choose to have s*x I would insist on your partner using a condom as well as some lubricate.

    I hope that has helped you some.

  8. Use a condom to aviod STD like HIV etc, technically u cant get pregnent if u dont have ur periods started yet.

    Dont do it now n get a life.

  9. your period is when an egg was not touched by the s***n of a mans p***s that has gone inside you, when you have ur period the blood is the wasted egg and the cution your body makes on the outside of the uturus.*** if you have s*x when you have ur period all it's going to do is get the guys p***s wet with blood wich is kinda gross. if you have s*x when you dont have ur period then ur body is waiting for a mans p***s to slip inside and fertalize an egg to make a babay.  

  10. Don't have s*x yet, it's best to wait until your body is grown enough.

    So waiting until you've gotten your period for your first time is the way to go.

  11. I was 14 when I lost my V.. :) All I can say honey, is that you need to prepare yourself mentally. ALWAYS use protection. Even tho you can't get pregnant yet, you can ALWAYS catch an STD. Hope this helps!!

  12. 14? Nope you have to be smaller. Do you even have urges? It's not cool and supercool etc etc to have s*x just because someone did it. And if you have no period that means that your body is not a womans body yet. So you are not suposed to have s*x yet nature says no not me.

  13. a r****d would know that

    yeah you can have s*x while your not on your period

    i ebt ur like 10

  14. are you saying that you have not yet started having periods? If that is what you are saying......then yes, girls have become pregnant  even before they have stared having their period. There can be an egg there, eveb if you have not had a period yet.  

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