
Help A friend really Help her asap?

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OKay like for a day my friend had 2 small drops of blood on a tissue when she was using the bathroom

then like the next day I think she said she had brown discharge for 4days like pouring out like a period then like 4days later she started bleeding but the blood was pink then red and mixed with brown and pink blood we called the planned parenthood nurse and she said it could be implantation bleeding. dang Im freaking out how is that possible ? okay how is that possible my bleeding wasn't heavy dam Im dumb anyways does it sound like a period like a werid funny period or the implantation thing im confused




  1. have her take a hpt test ok then if its + go to the doc it dose sound like she is prego

  2. It's pretty obvious this is happening to you and not "a friend"  Go talk to a nurse at planned parenthood because you're barely making sense here.

  3. What you described at first sounds just like implantation bleeding.  What you described second, I'm not sure, possibly an early miscarriage.  Have your friend get to a doctor.

  4. that doesn't really sound like implantation is usually not so heavy. i think you're good. but you will definitely just have to wait it out. if it was implantation bleeding, you'd be able to test in just a few days. go get some pregnancy tests and take them about a week after this bleeding occured, you should be able to tell by then.

    Best of luck!

  5. could be a implantation thing there is realy no help to be done only time will tell:)

  6. You know whats sad? Your friend is too embarrassed to have a conversation about something natural with an adult, yet shes perfectly content to show her private parts to some guy and have s*x with him. Whats wrong with that picture?

    Seriously. If your friend is too young to be having that conversation with her mother, then she's certainly too young to be having s*x and waaaaaay too young to be a mother.

    Tell your friend that life is hard but shes making it harder on herself then need be. Being sexually active gets you the reputation of being a s**t and gets you std's. Your friend needs to look in the mirror and learn to love herself and quit looking for approval from some immature little guy. Help your friend learn to love herself.

    In my opinion your friend is not pregnant but you should take your friend to planned parenthood and get her some reliable birth control.

    Your friend needs goals and a plan for her life. This could be her life is she stays on this path. Tell your friend to dig deep and be something. She was meant for more than just having s*x with a guy and being a young mother. can she look into being a nurse or a counselor to other young girls?

    Shes lucky to have a thoughtful friend as yourself. You should be proud, you sounds awesome.

    Good luck to the both of you. I bet you'd make a wonderful nurse someday!

  7. OK your lingo is a little confusing, but I think I understand the question. If there was any heavy bleeding whether it was brown or pink or red it was probably her period. She needs to see a doctor. If she is too embarrassed or whatever is going on then go get a HPT. Wait to take it until her missed period though or the results might not be accurate. Good luck in whatever she wants to be the outcome!

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