
Help! A man has been harrassing my family and now...?

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...he has filed a false police report on my 10 year old son. I am going to contact the police in the morning, but what can I do? I am totally freaking out.




  1. Calm down and report it asap

  2. He can file a COMPLAINT but there shouldn't be a report unless there's proof. I had this with a sicko woman once but the police aren't stupid ,they get this all the time. Also if he carries on with this harrasment, he will trip himself up and it will be HIM getting charged. (police even advised me to get legal advice if it carried on) .And if he's targeting 10yr olds, you tell the police YOU are worried over his interest in a 10 year old!!

  3. I have an terrible neighbor like that too. You have to document everything, write down dates and circumstances everytime he bothers you, and fight the report. demand proof. The police want to keep things simple for themselves sometimes but don't give an inch. Protect yourselves first and foremost - and never do anything, no matter how small, that he can use against you.  

  4. The police are available 24 hours a day for a reason.  Don't call them tomorrow, call them NOW! You may not get the issue of the false report settled tonight, but at least they will be aware of your situation and if you ask, will do frequent drive by's of your home. PLEASE don't wait. Some people are crazy.  

  5. I agree that you should call the police tonight. You just call 911 and request an officer come to your house because you are being harrassed. They will send an officer over and you can tell them the whole story and they will document it. That way if anything was to happen you will be covered.  

  6. If he's non-threatening..and just a idiot, you can wait until the morning...this will all get worked out.  Things are never as bad as they first appear....and you can get him in trouble (if you press it) for filing a false report.  

    However, if he's threatening you or your son, call the police.  

  7. If you have previously filed complaints against him for the harassing behavior than it will be easier to prove your case.  I don't know what the false report is for, but you may want to contact an attorney, victims advocacy center, etc.  Be honest with the police...they can only help you if they know the full story!

  8. I had the same neighbor as Garden Girl ^^^

    Seriously..her answer is the best one on here, she really knows what shes talking about =]

  9. I wouldn't wait until morning to call the police.  Call them now.  For the safety of your family.  Good luck!

  10. Yes - contact a solicitor - for your son - not you. He'll get legal aid as he's only 10.

    You might be able to bring a counter claim and stop the harassment all in one go.

  11. CALL A FRIEND DONT B ALONE especially at night

  12. pray and have a talk with your family to try and come up with best you can ignore him

    but definitely call the police

    or threaten the guy when he comes around you or your family

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