
Help! ALOT of symptoms of leukemia..? ?

by Guest66819  |  earlier

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i was looking at on frequent headaches and leukemia came up. i decided to look! and when i read the symtoms i actually have all of them besides weight loss!

heres the link if you want to see it..

ive been to the doctor's about a month ago because i thought i would check to see if i have diabetis because i was always tired i always felt weak and always had to go pee and the headachs.. they drew blood and i didnt have it ..


Wouldnt they be able to tell if i had leukemia from that blood test...?




  1. I dont want to sound mean- but you sound like a hypochondriac!

    Just because you get your blood tested for ONE thing doesnt mean they can diagnose you for everything else. The Blood test will ONLY show whatever is ordered! (for instance... they can't tell if you have aids unless you test specifically for aids! bad example i know...)

    So... Those symptoms are VERY VAGUE... I would not freak out...

    All you have to do is go get a Blood Test done to specifically rule you out for Leukemia.....

    Eye sight= its okay if they are changing every year... mine do too, sometimes twice a year... you will ot go blind :)

  2. Seriously if you think you have any chance of having leukemia you should probably go back. Besides, they were probably only testing specifically for diabetes. It's definitely worth asking them and finding out.  

  3. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Leukemia includes the 43 symptoms listed below:

        * No early symptoms - especially in the early stages of chronic leukemias, which do not worsen quickly.

        * Fever

        * Chills

        * Flu-like symptoms

        * Anemia - see also symptoms of anemia:

              o Paleness

              o Weakness

              o Fatigue

              o Tiredness

              o Shortness of breath

        * Bleeding easily

        * Bruising easily

        * Nosebleeds

        * Digestive bleeding

        * Frequent infections

        * Loss of appetite

        * Weight loss

        * Symptoms from collection in lymph nodes, liver and/or spleen:

              o Swollen lymph nodes

              o Tender lymph nodes

              o Swollen liver

              o Tender liver

              o Swollen spleen

              o Tender spleen

        * Tiny red spots (petechiae) under the skin

        * Swollen gums

        * Bleeding gums

        * Sweating

        * Night sweats

        * Bone pain

        * Joint pain

        * Symptoms from collection of cells in the brain or CNS:

              o Headaches

              o Vomiting

              o Confusion

              o Loss of muscle control

              o Seizures

        * Swollen testicles

        * Eye sores

        * Skin sores

        * Digestive symptoms

        * Kidney symptoms

        * Lung symptoms

    Note that Leukemia symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Leukemia signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.

    More ways to research these symptoms: To research other symptoms use the symptom center, or to research causes of more than one symptom in combination, try our multi-symptom search.

  4. Yes, they would. Look into having your vision checked, that was the source of all my headaches.  

  5. Go back to the doctor and ask if the test you had would have covered L. If not, ask for further tests.

    They only test for what the doctor asks for because that is all they can charge for.


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