
Help/Advice on Convict Cichlid breeding?

by Guest56333  |  earlier

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I just recently bought a pair of black convict cichlids, in the hope of being able to see them in their element, caring for their offspring. When I bought them, the saleslady told me that they had been a breeding pair, but that the last clutch of eggs had been eaten by their tankmates. They were still being extremely protective of their former (or perhaps to-be) nesting site, and so I decided to take both of them, so as not to split up the pair. When I first placed them in their new tank, set up especially for them with plenty of hiding spots, caves and plants, they immediately got to grappling with each other by the mouth, and it almost seemed as if the male was slowly pulling her into one of the larger caves in the tank. After about an hour or so of this, the female called the game off, and since then, has been avoiding the male whenever he tries to make any forward gestures.

They're each about 1.5 inches in length, the female being just slightly smaller than the male. They both seem to be perfectly healthy, and the female, especially, has very dark banks/spots with stunning orange-gold splashes on her belly.

Any help is appreciated.




  1. No need to add another female.  Convicts are monog pairs.  You just need to allow some time for them to acclimate to their new home.  Make sure your tank is mature in terms of the nitrogen cycle, make sure your water parameters are as close to their natural habitat as you can get (PH and hardness) and try increasing the protein foods so the female can produce eggs.  She just may not be ready or conditioned for breeding yet is all.

    Jeffrey, not even close.  Convicts are South American types.  Your PH range SHOULD be more like 6.8-7.2.  These are not African or Central American.  However, should you find your PH outside of this range, but you don't see them having issues from it, then don't stress that part, but rather try to keep your hardness at the levels that are ideal.

  2. try adding another fish thats what got mine breeding was another male/female pair added to the tank

  3. I bought a pair of black convict cichlids 3 days ago. Male has blue fins and white belly while the female has orange belly and has orange tail fins. I put a sinking boat decor, they've always been hiding inside and come out when i throw foods.

    The "dark spots with stunning orange-gold splashes on her belly" is the only possibility that it is pregnant. You can raise the temperature to 80-86F and lower the ph level for your convict cichlids to breed easier. Raise the ph level about 8.0 after they are done breeding, as you know, cichlids are hardy fish and need high ph of water, low ph is for breeding purposes.

    Try not to add any other convict cichlids because convict cichlids are full of personality, once the male has bred with a female convict, they will not breed with any other cichlids anymore.

    Well, i am right, today 08/16/2008, my female is scrubbing its belly against a decor and its laying eggs.

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