
Help ! Adwords, I am confused !?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me, how adwords charges, I mean on what basis, I have to pay to adwords ?

Is it the budget or CPC ???

If possible, please explain me the ways of reducing these charges and getting more clicks.




  1. There's a good free adwords course on the site listed in the source for download. Check it out. Don't start a campaign till you know what you are doing or you'll throw money away.



  2. You put money in your account.  Let's say $100.

    For a given campaign, you set a max amount you will allow them to spend per day.  Say, $10.  If they hit $10 worth of spend on that campaign they will stop running ads.

    Within a campaign you have ads.  For a given ad you bid on keywords.  This is what you are willing to pay when someone clicks your ad.

    There is search and there is Content Network.  Do not run these together...split them out into two separate campaigns.  Search requires higher bids to have your ads displayed, but the ads are shown on Google's results page after someone searches using the keywords on which you bid.  Content Network will display your ads on various web pages throughout the internet that are using Adsense.  Bid amounts can be much lower, but traffic is less targeted.

    To reduce charge...lower your bid (which will also reduce your impressions).  Or rely more on Content Network and keep your bids much lower there.

    To get more clicks, pay more per click on search, target tons of keywords, and get really good ad copy.  But the first two of those solutions are costly.

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