
Help! Am I addicted to pets?

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I have a cat, hes a family cat, and he was a stray from 6 years ago. Then 5 years ago a stray dog came along and we kept him, then last year in August I adopted a hamster, and this year in March, I adopted another hamster. I help take care of the dog and cat, but I have full responsibility over the hamsters. Thats 4 pets! But i love taking care of them! I wish I had another pet! Any pet, a bunny..or guinea pig..or hamster..or kitten, just any of those! Am I pet crazy? Well if I am at least Im responsible! Please help! I have a pet disease! Im going to be a vet when I grow up. But my parents probably wont let me get another pet. Am I addicted to pets? Help!




  1. No i love animals too! I already have a dog and 3 gerbils, but i still want something else lol, and i know i could take care of it! You don't have a disease, you just love animals :)

  2. I don't think you have "pet disease", though I totally know how you feel. I am obsessed with my dogs, cat, and ferret. You're an animal lover and it seems like you provide your pets with a loving home :) being a veterinarian will be a great job for you.

  3. It sure looks like you have some kind of disease,

    Give these pets to a local zoo or pet store or somebody you know and find something else to do.

  4. gosh if your addicted to pets them i have a serious i have 3 dogs,2 cats,4 bunnys,3 birds,1 hamster, 1 fish,3 goats,6 ducks,2 horses,1 ckicken.i love them all,i take care of them all,and i devoted my life to makeing them happy.i love all animals and some day i hope to one a animal santuary mainly for farm animals,but there all dont think you have a adiction,i just think you have a love for animals ,like me my only advice is what ever the next pet is dont get a puppy or kitten from a pet store,go to shelters,there anr many diff types,one with birds,rodents,farm animals,dogs,cats anyhting you could  imagine,theres so many animals who would love to go to a real home,rather then live in a cage the rest of its life,adopt one,instead of buying one. eveytime a puppy is bought,the pet shop asks for aonther another puppy,and most of them come from puppy mills where the mom dog lives in her own p**p and just has babys her whole life in a cage.please check out shelters before making any dicisions.

  5. if u like guinea, go for it.

    i like bunnies and kittens btw L_)

  6. no you just love critters. its not a bad thing. im obsessed with my animal's health, but thats not a bad thing either. Im bringing my ferret to the vet today for possible adrenal disease and I would never have caught it while its so treatable if i wasn't so obsessive. I would also never have had the persistance to get my mom to spend $100 on the visit while we can barely get by as it is. i have a dog, 2 cats, 2 ferrets, 4 turtles and a snake and im still pushing for another dog. Ive had lizards, guinea pigs, birds, fish.... the animal world needs people like us that actualy take care of them. dont worry if your friends tease you. mine tease me too

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