
Help! Am i close to my period??

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Ok.. i just turned 14 (freshman in high school)and i still havent started my period!! I know that some people are late bloomers and i shouldn't worry about it yada yada... but im like the only person in my grade who hasnt started. im not saying i want it, but im tired of being the only person without it! And for the most part i have the signs.. i mean im 32A cup (budding started in the middle of 6th grade), have pubic hair (also started at end of 6th grade) , and a little underarm hair, ive been discharging for a year.... i didnt really have a huge growth spurt or anything, but everyone in my family just grows at a steady pace. im very petite, 5" and 88 pounds... my mom started hers at 15, but i think ive developed a little faster than she did.... do you think im close?? help!

oh and i also have bad mood swings




  1. im sorry i know this isnt the answer u wanna hear comes when it comes!!

    at the end of the 6th grade i was sure i was ggoing to get my period and i asked TONS of questions on here about when im going to get it and some said about 2 years some said a couple months but then a year later BOOM it was signs at all. so back to my point... no one can really tell u when its going to come because when your body tells u its the right time then BOOM itll be there for u lol ur body doesnt say "that lady from Y!A said im supposed to come this week, i better" ok? so just dont stress out too much. i bet u $100 that not everyone in ur grade has it lol!!

    email me if u have ANY questions at all about those things cuz im here to help :]

  2. I was exactly the same for like 2 years before I started.

    You could be close, you might not, all this is just preparation for your period too.

    You'll definitely know when you're close - its hard to explain, but once you're there, you know it. Believe me, I've been there haha.

    So just keep pads and stuff with you always, so you're prepared for any surprises, and enjoy the 'freedom' while you can. :]

  3. Don't worry, I'm 14, 32 A (all that budding and hair stuff same as you) and I don't have it still.

    So who cares, I'm sure you wont want it once you got it, I think we should be happy for ourselves =D

    But these are the steps to the period

    1. Buds

    2. Hair under there

    3. Growth Spurt (get to atleast 100 pounds - 110 pounds)

    4. Period

    You're 88 pounds and probably don't have a lot of body fat. I was 5'' last year and 88 pounds, now I'm 5'5 and 98 pounds, I still don't have it. We just don't have enough body fat because we have high metabolisms.

    Also if you're a gymnast or exercise a lot it can delay it. Or if you're under stress.

    Also, are you asian? Not being racist but that can play into it too sometimes.

    Your mom didn't get it till 15 so not to worry

    Trust me you dont want it

    And you're not alone.

  4. Well, it's different for everyone despite genetics.  You don't have to worry until you're 16 and still haven't had one.  You're not going to want it once you get it, though, trust me.  It's the most miserable thing that naturally is supposed to happen.  I'm short as well but my first time was in seventh grade (middle school) I think, maybe earlier.  It was horrible, worst experience ever.  I'd say you're probably close.  A good way to tell is sore b*****s, that'll start about a week or two before it hits.  Stomach cramps are popular too (below the belly button), though I never have much problem with that.  Crying spells is another good way, feeling the need to cry or being depressed.  Once you get the symptoms, never go anywhere unprepared because if it is your first time it'll probably be very heavy or very light.  Mine was the first sadly, and it stayed very heavy for the first couple years of it happening, though that was only a few times since I only have them about once every six months, sometimes less.  Thank God.

    I seriously wouldn't be wishing for it if I were you because it truly does make you feel like you can't do anything sometimes.  Well, if you get it or not, I wish you much luck.  And don't forget to drink lots of water!

  5. omgsh you sound just like me im 14 too i got mine the 18th last month i always thught that i was Never gunna get it i had discharge since i was 11 i got boobies in 6 th as well as hair...

    but i guess the only thing i hated the most was waiting ill tell you right now no matter how many people answer your question you won't feel comfort or anything only because i did the exact same thing email me we can chat.


  6. Well i had the same situation & i went for a doctor visit & he broke the news to me that I would soon become a women , lol .

    later i did get my period & let me tell you i wasnt ready.I cried & wasnt really sure if it was period or wat was going on when i noticed wat had happened.

    Dont be in a rush because it will happen. Yes you are a pretty small girl so yur pronbably just maturing alittle slower. Its ohk though. Alot of girls will consider you lucky (: Just make sure your prepared.

    Good luck .

  7. Don't rush it when it comes you'll want it to go away, you might not get it until 16 its all how your body is.

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