
Help! Annoying girl at the stables! What do I do?

by Guest59726  |  earlier

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There's this really annoying girl at my barn who's constantly following my friend and I around. My friend and I LOVE to go on trail rides! So the annoying girl is ALWAYS there waiting to go on a trail ride. On the trail rides my friend and I trot a lot, but the annoying girl hates being last on the trail rides and makes up excuses like, "My horse goes super slow when he's in the back of the line so everybody has to wait for him, so I should be in front." While my friend and I trot, the annoying girl is totally pulling on her horse to make her horse go super slow. Then she starts complaining about who goes first. My friend and I really want to avoid the AG (Annoying Girl)! We usually go on trail rides after lessons, so AG gets all tacked up and everything, and waits for us to finish our lesson. AG is a real pain, wait can my friend and I do to avoid her?






    im just kidding don't do that

    tell her that you plan on going really fast and that she will slow you down and you don't want that to happen

    or just tell her that you and your friend would like to be alone on the trail ride

  2. If you were my daughter , I would ask you to try to find a way to be empathetic...try to give a certain amount of time to this

    AG out of kindness, if nothing else.  It sounds as though you have given it a try, and it isn't working out.

    The next thing I would probably suggest would be to discuss it with her...tell her why you find her annoying.  After I listened to you tell me why that would not work, I'd tell you that you are under no obligation to fulfill the needs of AG.  I would suggest that you simply tell her that you and your friend prefer to ride alone.  You don't owe her an explanation of why, and shouldn't get caught up in making excuses (that only invites argument).  Be polite, say your sorry, but that is what you and your friend are going to do...and leave it at that.

  3. she probably just wants a friend at the barn

  4. haha, the master puppet answer is hilarious. Maybe try asking your instructor or barn owner to talk to her about following you around if she won't listen to you. The best thing is kindly ignoring someone.

  5. Perfect answer from hwinnum. She just wants some riding buddies, so make a specific time for her and make other times for just you. Or maybe someone else around the barn might be willing to ride with her - ask around. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it. How would you feel if you were in AG's shoes? She's just looking to be included.

  6. omg been there done that!!! it took me awhile to really think about it.. but do you honestly care what her mom thinks?! seriously? are you or your parents like super good friends with them? if not. who cares?! don't worry. tack up as fast as you can with your bff and don't wait for the other chick. if she starts talking her way into a trail ride just start talking with your friend.  who cares if you interupt her? fake you can't hear her and at the end when your done before her. just say oh were going on a quick trail ride so if any body needs us tell um where we are. if she whines who cares? you don't like her anyway by the way it sounds. i know ill get a bunch or bad red thumbs down thingys but seriously if your that sick of her just go out with your friend.

  7. before she tacks up just tell her that you and your friend want to go on a ride alone together so yall can go fast or something like that and maybe tell her maybe next time even though you probably won't mean it. hope this helps!

  8. Theres one at every boarding stable.  Here whe call the wanna be experts "Barn b*****s!

  9. If there are any other trails to go on, use them instead. Or, just one day say that you dont want to go for a ride. Then maybe you can go on the trail without her.

  10. hae

    im 13 nearly 14 and i have alot of annoying ppl who ride horses too lol

    i would tell her that you dont want to ride with her or when you and your freind want to go for a ride say that you want to go by yourselves because you need to talk or just be honest to her.

    if she tells or lyes dnt worry you should tell your mother or instructor or sumbody that you dont want her to annoy you and then if she tells after that you have good evidence lol.

    have fun riding


  11. She is probably lonely and does not have many other friends to go for rides with.  I would maybe talk to your instuctor about how you feel and she can help you speak to the girl.  I am sure she is maybe just not comfortable trotting out on the trail she maybe afraid her horse is going to do something silly.  I think you have to much anger and fustration towards her if you approach her you may hurt her feelings and that would not be nice because she is just trying to be your friend.  She might even look up to you and your friend as role models a bit and want to be like you.  So speak to your instructor about how you and your friend want to go out on the trail by yourselves a bit and maybe she could set the other girl up with someone else to go out with.  It is not safe for her to go out by herself to ride so she needs a friend to keep her company in case anything happens.  Just speak to you instructor about it and try to work out a fair plan where people do not get hurt or left out of the fun things

  12. Before she gets tacked up, you need to be brutally honest and tell her that you plan on going for a fast ride and she will slow you down.  Pick another time when you are willing to go on a slower ride with her and make a date for it.  She probably is looking for company to ride with.

  13. she is looking for friends. don't be mean. one day you may be in the same position. it's not as though you are going to be her life-long friend. Part of riding is good manners.  You wouldn't treat a horse badly. Why treat a human badly?

  14. ok when she comes around to talk to you just start lifting your arms around and your legs too ( like a puppit ) and then say  

    " oh no the puppit master is back again"!!! and keep doing it while you walk away... it will leave her wondering!!! it works to leave a convorsation to!!! and it works evry time !!! hee hee lol

  15. Just tell her PLEASE GO AWAY!

    Your slow so go with someone else!

  16. Sounds like this girl just wants someone to hang out with.  Maybe she looks up to you and your friends.  I know it can be annoying when someone is up your butt all the time, especially when they sort of hinder your plans, but just try to be nice to her.  Maybe offer to ride with her on other days where you don't have to worry about going fast, and save other days for just you and your friends so you can go your speed.  Let the girl know that if she wants to ride with you, she needs to ask you first.  If she doesn't get the message, talk to the BO or the girl's mom to express your concerns.  Maybe between all of you, something can get worked out where no one's feelings will be hurt.

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