
Help! Anyone! How can I stop being nervous and scared for high school?

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This year I'm gonna be in 8th grade. I attend at a private school. After we graduate, I'm gonna recieve a letter about which private school I'm going to. I'm so scared!! I keep hoping that I will attend the private high school I always wanted to attend and go to. I'm so scared! I cry everyday, praying to God, hoping that I will be ok and go to the high school I wanna go to, but I'm still scared and nervous. How can I stop being so nervous and scared.

Please don't say just finish 8th grade, just say something else....




  1. Enjoy your eighth grade experience first!

    Don't get worried about high school yet.  The high school jitters will pass soon after your first day of high school.  I went to a private Catholic grade school, high school (girls only), and university.  Just two weeks ago, I had my 20 year high school reunion.  You know what I found out?  That all of those other girls back in high school we just as scared and nervous as I was!  All of them!

    I look back on eighth grade and high school with nothing other than fondness.  Those were great, great times.  It's natural to be nervous, but don't let it rule you.  Take a deep breath and enjoy being there and the opportunities you are being given by going to a private school.  Also, don't worry about getting admitted to a private high school.  They won't turn you away.  Private schools are in the business of not only providing an education to young people, but they are also trying to make money.  Your tuition is motivation enough for them to admit you.  Don't get me wrong... you have to keep your grades up by at least doing your homework, they want to see some commitment.  But you don't have to be the picture of perfection either.  Just get your work turned in and do the best that YOU can do.  That's all.  Everything else will fall into place.

    P.S. --  Don't worry about the money part either.  My parents were not at all rich.  One winter during high school, they didn't even have enough money to heat the house.  So they didn't.  We just wore a lot of layers of clothes for a while.  All of my sisters and brothers(5 of us) were put through private schools.  Mom and Dad sacrificed EVERYTHING for the quality of our education.  And likewise, the schools did not turn us away because of my parents' inability to pay.  The schools only required that we all kept our grades above a 2.0.  And none of us were ever looked down upon by our classmates for not being rich!  

    Please try not to get to stressed about it all!  Just try to enjoy the gift that you are being given.  Years from now, you will look back with fondness at these times.

    Good Luck!


  2. Relax all will be alright and if anything it should be a BETTER experience since you are in private school. When the time comes you will eventually find your place.

  3. I can understand your feelings because many kids are nervous and scared to begin high school. The main reason is because of what you hear from others and what you see on tv. However, you just have to realize, that TV and rumors are mainly exagerations. If possible, talk to your 8th grade counselor and see if you can take a summer school class at your new high school before you start 9th grade. My son is an incoming freshman and he was also nervous about entering high school. However, he just finished taking a couple of classes during the summer at the new high school and was able to meet new people and get an idea as to what high school will be like this fall. As a matter of fact, he got lucky and will have one of the summer school teachers during the first semester. He read your question and stated that summer school will help to break the ice. Good luck.

  4. Stop it.  Good luck.

    Seriously, you're only in the 8th grade and have no control over where you're going, so focus on passing the 8th grade and let everything else just happen.

  5. Don't worry about it. Trying to manipulate your feelings won't make anything better. You're nervous. So what? Everyone gets nervous about important events in their life; it's natural to feel that way since it's important to you. Don't make yourself feel bad for being nervous about the results. Understand that it isn't as big a deal as you might think. You still have one year before you'll graduate. You could always transfer, and even if you can't, you are the person who decides what direction your life is going in. A bad school or bad teachers won't be able to ruin it. And if your high school is mediocre, it'll help you shine in college applications if you do well in a school of idiots. Just enjoy yourself. Eighth grade is FUN!  

  6. Don't worry! You're going to look back on this and think 'Why did I worry so much?'. Even if you don't make that high school, whereever you end up, you're going to really enjoy it. But be confident in yourself, because you know you've done your best to get into this school!  

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