
Help! Anyone who knows a lot about Australia or someone who has study abroad there!?

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I am going to study abroad next spring. My options are Australian National University in Canberra, Monash University in Melbourne, University in Melbourne, and University of Western Australia Perth. Any knowledge about these universities would really be of great help. I do not know anything about Australia, and I do not know which one to pick. Thanks!




  1. try looking up some information, wikipidea might be a good idea, sorry if it didnt help but something around this area would be edleast a little helpful

  2. Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne.

    Did I mention Melbourne?

    Canberra is quite possibly the most boring city in the entire country. Don't say I didn't warn you....

    Perth is a beautiful city with fantastic weather, but it is very isolated.

    Melbourne is the cultural capital of the country. The night life is great, the restaurants and cafés are great, the people are friendly, public transport is cheap. It's just a wonderful city. The weather isn't worth writing home about, but it's a small price to pay (in my opinion).

    I have 3 friends that are currently attending Melbourne University and it is a very highly regarded school. It's harder to get into than a nun's pants, so if you are able to go there I suggest that you go for it.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click on 'YahooAnswers Australia'. I'm sure they can help.

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