
Help! Aquarium Cycling!?

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I recently just set up a new 10 gallon tank beside my old one. I ran the filter for my new one on my old tank for a couple days. Also, I took some substrate from my established tank. I took the new filter and put it back on my other un-established tank. Can I put in a couple fancy guppies just to keep the cycle going? Also, will I need a 1:2 male to female ratio? or can I have 1 of each?




  1. The beneficial bacteria needs to have a constant ammonia source to survive.  It may be dead now.  

    Usually you want  one male to at least 2 or 3 females.  

    You could go with a few of any fish that stays under 3 inches.  A goup of smaller tetras, some rasboras, other livebearers, etc.  Lots of possibilities.

  2. You've already done some of the best things to help the cycling process.

    When you transferred your gravel to the new tank you took with it bacteria, which is what you want.

    You should get a small fish or two to continue the cycle.

    I personally wouldn't suggest guppies, only because they aren't the most hardy fish out there.  

    Get your water tested regularly to make sure your parameters are in check.  

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