
Help! Are there any n.c. or u.s. programs that can help while we are waiting for autistic son's SSI appeal?

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family of 5 , 3 kids, 10 yrs old, 4 yrs old- autistic with ocd, we have him enrolled in iep program, 2 yrs old, we rent - price is good but conditions are bad and since we live in the country there isn't anyone to complain to really, had to buy a car yesterday as of today we now have $0 the only we got going is love. if anyone knows of any assistance or housing progams please let me know there are others like us that could use a hand while we are waiting and playing the social security games.




  1. This is the NC site for Social Services:

    You could also check with your church.

    God bless!

  2. If you are American then it is much harder, a good start is to go through the autism society to see all the helpful links. There is emergency funding available for those who qualify financially which can be processed within a matter of weeks.

    As a mother of a 9 year old autistic boy, I know how hard it can be. Fortunately I am Canadian and we have full medical coverage along with extensive autism programs for both the parents and the children. I've added an additional link which may just brighten your day. Its about a young girl who has learned how to communicate through typing.

    Good luck to you and your family. :o)

  3. Do you work?  Sometimes it is easier to get some kinds of assistence if you are working and helping your family.  Agencies have an easier time helping those that help themselves.  SSI can be a frustrating thing, it takes a while to resolve a SSI claim.  You should find some kind of work, that is a start.  I am a single mom of a child with autism, I work full time and go to college full time.  It isn't easy, but I think it is important to show my child what responsibility is about.  And, I feel much better about myself.  I make too much money to get any assistence for my child.  So, you may want to go to an employment agency and see if you can work doing something.

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