
Help!!!! Bad Hair Cut?

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Okay so school is starting and i cant wear hats so thats not a choice., but what happened is i have large natural curls and i went to get my hair trimmed and she cut it too short!! So it looks bad =(

Any ideas to fix....




  1. From one shelby to another.


    My only idea would be to straighten it if it still looks bad when school rolls around. Other ideas however, are to be creative with hair styles, (bobby pins work magically). Also the first cut is a shock and you may hate it, but give it a week to grow a little and it should be alright  

  2. You could try straightening your hair,

    but if you want to keep it healthy,try pigtails,so the curl shows.

    or cute hair clips.

    sorry if I didn't help.

    two days before my birthday, my grandmother took me

    and got my hair cut,and it went from being below my chest,

    to above my ears, so i had to let it grow.

    straightening it helped alot.

  3. shave it

  4. same thing happened 2 me :/ :/ UGGHH!!! i just had 2 deal with it;; i straightened it 2 gain back at least a lil bit  of length...but maybe try putting it up.....i tried a half was cute and u could hardly even notice the short length:)

  5. be as creative as possible dont be afraid to be the only 1 w ur hair u nevr no u coold start a new trend

  6. you could straighten it! it might make it look longer because you have curls. and if your curls are hard to tame buy some straightening starch for it.

  7. wash your hair and then put in leave in conditioner and frizz control stuff that you can get at any drugstore if you want something cheap go for garnier frutis and then blow dry and straighten your hair after words put in some hair spray and comb it through so it stay straight. Or you could also get hair extensions. Or wear your hair up in a bun or ponytail. Maybe you could french brade it?? Don't worry it will grow back within a month or so. sorry. hope this helps!! good luck :))

    you could also pin back your bangs with bobby pins after straightening it or pin you bangs to the side with cute clips that would be cutee. It's prob not that bad all your prob just not used to having shorter hair. It will calm down after a couple of days :)

    so you don't get any split ends before you straighten your hair put in leave in conditioner before you blow dry it and a heat protection spray you can get these products at any drug store or salon and it will prevent you from getting split ends :)

  8. you can style it.

  9. get hair extensions

  10. either straightin ur hair or put it up if ya cant use a headband
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