
Help!!! Big pine trees!?

by Guest34108  |  earlier

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I have two very big pine trees in my small yard. I know now that it was stupid to plant them as they are now HUGE but knowing nothing about gardening the man at the nursery told me they would not grow too big. Anyway, they look like they are never going to stop growing and even though I love them and get the bottom branches removed fairly regularly, I was wondering if it is safe to keep them in the yard. I know it would cost a fortune to have them removed so I get a gardener in from time to time to prune bottom branches. The top ones are way too high to reach. I have had conflicting opinions on these trees from different people and am scared they are going to start ripping up paths, damaging plumbing etc. in the future. I have no lawn to speak of and other trees are dying due to these lovely but impractical trees!!! Any advice would be helpful....I am in South Australia (very dry here).




  1. Cut them down

  2. plz report me i want to delete my accunt

  3. Some of these pines can get to be over 100 feet tall.  Their roots are quite tame compared to other trees, and they are unlikely to damage plumbing if they haven't already.  

    It does sound like you really don't want the trees in your yard.  The only practical danger I can see from what you describe would be if they fell in a high wind.  I suspect if that happened the cost of having them removed would seem small.  I know it's expensive, but if you don't want the trees and they aren't going to leave of their own accord, the only answer is to have them taken down.

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