
Help - Boeing and Airbus Range Table!!!1?

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Hi, I urgently need a precise table with seating capacity plotted along the y-axis and range plotted along the x-axis to include all Boeing & Aibus models for comparison. I am doing a project for Travel & Tourism and this is necessary. It is due in by Monday and I desperately need one. I have searched Google Images, did find one, but now it just won't appear for f**k. Would apprreciate if someone could send me a link to one they found or the one I was looking for.

Many thanks,

Tom Pearson.




  1. For starters for each model of aircraft there are several different seating arrangements. Secondly the range of the aircraft can be effected by the seating arrangements on each model of aircraft and by the different type of engines on said aircraft. It is not so easy, what I would suggest is that you take a single airline with a mixed fleet say SQ, EK or EY and get the seat info from their web sites then use that for you project purposes.  I am sure you are aware that by an aircraft having winglets it can ensure less fuel consumption therefore more range.

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