
Help! Bored SAHM?

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I had a baby in October. I live in NE-USA. I go for 2 walks a day. Play with the baby, my house is absolutely clean, I ebay items from my attic/basement and workout during baby's naps. I'm bored to tears (literally). When I get together with other mom's I feel silly because I don't work. I want to work but, I wouldn't earn enough to pay a daycare. Their kids are all ahead of mine developmentally, they get to go to all these awesome mommy and me classes that I can't afford.

It stinks. How do I get out of this rut? I thought being a SAHM was the hardest job in the world. That lead me to believe that it was hard work....little did I know it's the hardest job because it's takes such a toll on you!!




  1. Put an ad in the local paper for playgroups.

  2. omg same here!!! i love being with my daughter but it is boring. maybe you should look into taking some online classes or something. its really not that expensive if you just take them one or 2 at a time and you might qualify for some grants. take up some kind of hobby. i really like to sew and its a good way to make a few dollars on the side if you learn how to make some cute things. offer up your house for some playgroups or something so you can hang with some other moms and your baby gets some interaction. goodluck...i feel for ya.

  3. I wish I could identify with you, but I cannot. How about trying to find a legitimate work-from-home job? That way you can still be a stay at home mommy, and put a few dollars in your pocket as well.

  4. Maybe you could babysit other kids. Or you could Have a huge garage sale. Maybe leave your kid with your parents or trusted friend for a few hours a day. And pay your friend like $5 and you could find a job thats like 3-4 hours long.
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