
Help! Bully Advice??

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Okay, so my sister, who's a year younger than me, is getting bullied on the bus ride home from school. Usually i would ride with her, but i have been staying after school and will be for the rest of the year. The bully's are two jerks, a 7th and a 6th grader. They don't HURT her but they annoy, poke her, and have started taking her belongings out of her backpack when she wasn't looking. Today, i didn't have to stay after school so i went on the bus. They are cruel! They started to pick on me the moment they knew i was her sister. They threw a gum pack at my face and even took a clip out of my hair! I was shocked because they have never shown this type of behavior before and show no intentions of stopping it. i told my sister to sit near the back, where they never sit...but will that be enough? What should i do! they just joke around so much, they don't care!

p.s- they also pick on other younger girls as well.




  1. Most schools these days have an assigned police officer. (DARE.) If you have one of those, these guys love handling bullies.

    Another option is to heads up the Principal. Some are A$$es and do not care, but that should work.

    Last resort, your sister is suffering from this, emotional scarring can last a long time. Gather multiple (3 to 10) people and together all of you (at once) ask the bully to stop. It is very intimidating for somebody used to dealing with weaker people.

  2. You need to tell your parents so that they can go to your school and have the problem dealt with. I am going through the same thing with my 8 and 5 year old. Dont let these animals pick on you and your sisters, stand up for yourselfs and do something about it.

  3. That's messed up, I would say give them a good as5 kicking but we all know violence doesn't solve the problem. Maybe your parents can contact somebody at school or their parents. I hope this issue gets resolved cause one thing I hate is someone picking on somebody that they know they can get away with it. And if none of this works can you find out if you can change your bus ride. I wish I can give these bullies a piece of my mind so they won't pick on no one anymore.

  4. the bus driver should be told about this so he can separate the two bullies so they will less likely pick on your sister

  5. if these guys are picking on everyone then your luck band together against them bullies may be stupid their not that stupid. i great way to deal with bullys is to make them fear or respect you(i prefer fear) but this is a hard thing to do without physical violence, which is not a good thing. dont worry about making a scene no one who matters will care, if you do though dont make it silly for instance dont start crying or silly tuck of war contests. sitting near the back is a good idea. if you want any more ideas email me im out of ideas atm

  6. Well,The best thing YOU can do is to throw the gum pack back at their faces and say something back.They're two jerks,Who probably want to do nothing but pick on harmless kids.Throw it back, say something back, confront them,tell the bus driver.

  7. stick up for her. be not only her sister but her protector. as for you tell them "Leave me alone or I'll tell your parents!" If that doesn't freak the out bring a small camera like one on a cell phone and say "Say cheese buttholes!" I think they'll get the message. Start to throw things at them (no violently) like a small eraser or even a pakage of stik-ee notes. Say 'How does that feel?" When they say ouch say "Oh did that hurt you? Too bad I'm such a bully!" Do this until they decide to stop. Tell them to get some human decency!

  8. OK! first thing is kick their *** and show them who's boss, or you can push them around until they stop, show them that you not weak, stand up for your younger sister, trust me Ive been there.

  9. curse them out. believe me, it will make them shut up.
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