
Help!!! Calling all people who know how to use a combination lock!!!?

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Ok well I am going to 7th grade this year & so we have lockers.

Well I have a combination lock at home & I have been trying to figure out how you open one. My dad already set the combination & he told me what it is but I can't open it I know you have to twist it to the numbers of the code & I did that in order a million times but I still can't open it. Can you please explain how to open a combination lock.




  1. spin the lock.  set it to 0.  

    twist to the right first, stopping at the first number of the combination.  don't make a full turn.

    twist to the left next, stopping at the second number.  you may have to pass 0, but don't make a full turn.

    twist to the right again, stopping at the 3rd number.  you may have to pass 0, but don't make a full turn.  don't move the dial.  the lock should open.

  2. turn right to the number then pass the next dumber twice, then go back the other way, to the last number and pull, sorry its hard to explain ,lol good luck, dontworry when i did this, 90% of the kids asked teachers for help.

    edit*** turn right. to the number, then go left i beleive and stop on the number once u passed it already, then go right again

    what i mean by that is on the second number when your going left you need too pass it once, then on the second time stop on it, then turn it right to the last number

  3. clear it by spinning it a few times

    go right

    go left and pass up the previous number once

    the go right again to the last number.

    (if when you get to the last number you hear a click, then twist it a little and  that will open, but it depends what kind of lock you have)

  4. make sure you are twisting them on the right side. Try them all orders. It was really strange once i had a code that ended in 4 then one day it stoped working and 6 worked instead so try moving all of the numbers, one at a time incase it has changed. Thats if it is a box shaped combination lock, if it is a round clicky one, it may just be broken. I got a round one for my bike and the first time that i used it decided not to work and my bike was locked at the shops so i had to cut it off. Also, if you are going into school like that it might not fit on the lockers anyway, the first one i bought didnt. I had to get a bigger one. If all else fails, get a new lock and i suggest using a key one with a few spare keys and give a key to your teacher to hold onto. That way it cant randomely stop working and if you forget your key just ask your teacher for the spare. Kapish! Sorry bout the long answer. good luck starting a new highschool!

  5. lol..i had this problem...the first num u roll past once and go to it, to the right, the second number u pass once and stop on it to the left and js go right to the last lets say u got 38, 24, 50

    start off with rolling through all the nums a couple times to kinda reset it, then go to the right> to 38, go to the left< past 24 one full turn then stop at 24, go back right> directly to 50 and pull down!

    good luck...

  6. When you enter the code, you spin it to the right first. Then, left, then, right again.

  7. turn:

    3x to right and get first #

    2x left and get to second#

    move to right until you get the 3rd #

    Good luck!

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