
Help... Can this friendship be SAVED?

by Guest58846  |  earlier

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Our families met two years ago. Since then we have spent almost every weekend together. The wife complains to me (the wife of the other family) constantly about their "other" family friends of a long time. My family is always there being excellent friends to these people yet... when their family has some kind of function of high importance it is always the family friends they had in the past at the event etc. For two years the wife has picked this woman apart.

Now ... I lost my temper a month ago because they had a party and didn't invite us. I said to her "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE?" and I lost my temper.

Now... she says I have to apologize.

I think she should apologize for remaining loyal to this terrible friend and not to me.

To make matters worse... she had a huge kid party and did not invite my children. I thought she should have invited the kids and left the disagreement to the adults.. eg taking the higher road.

Days go by and no phone calls. No nothing. They were our best friends. I don't know if I should call and apologize even if i am not sorry or if I should just let this friendship go.

Any ideas?




  1. Well if I were u first I would talk 2 her about it, and if she gets all bitchy about it I would end the friendship just like that. Because what the h**l kind of friend would she be if she did not care about ur feelings a true friend would!

  2. why should you apoligize? you have done nothing wrong, you feel upset and betrayed besides if she jsut treats you like you don't even exist or not worthy of being seen then don't even bother and the situation w/ the kids yes you are absolutely right they should of just left the agreements to the adults but your kids will find others to play and get tot be good friends w/.....=)

    you should not apoligize you did absolutely nothing wrong

    i hope this helps=)

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