
Help Catch a Thief! Ebay Identity Theft! Vietnam!?

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This guy ripped me off on $600 on ebay! Be Aware! If you know him, let me know!!! He stole the identity of another ebayer, and ripped her off too (much worse then me!)!

Nguyen Huy Van

561/52 phia sau - le quang dinh,phuong 1,quan Go Vap

ho chi minh, n/a 08400





  1. Here's a similar real story:

    Basically the guy got ripped off for $20 thousand dollars, and ebay could not (would not) do a thing.

    Just be careful next time.

  2. You can't just 'rid' the world of scammers, but you can warn others and educate them about some of the stuff they do. Like what you did. Good job.

    By doing this you will make the 'prey' less vulnerable to scams. Just keep in mind that scammers don't usually have much patience cause they would think: 'If this is taking to long or if the buyer is suspicious, i will abandon it because there are many other vulnerable people who i can scam.'

    Scammer would preferable scam people from rich countries.

    Now rich countries would usually be educated more easily. If everyone is aware of this and the signs etc, then scammers will slowly eliminate.

  3. This doesn't appear to be

    a question..

    Well....file this with ebay.

    Not with us.

    Nothing we can do about it

    as buyers anyway as he will

    change his user name.

  4. Sorry mate,

    But these types of people that are capable of these crimes are usually professionals, and you might never catch him. In a week or so this guy will have a different Account, Nationality, Address,   and Name. His information that you gave us is probably false, and stolen.

    Please try to buy from someone you can actually talk to next time.

    Best Wishes,


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